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How Your Chakra System Effects Your Health

How Your Chakra System Effects Your Health

When you want to have a healthy mind and body, you need to keep your chakras balanced and strong. Some people do not realize that an unbalanced chakra system can affect their mind, body, and soul and it can hurt their health more than they even realize it.

Balancing your chakra is important and the things that you do can have negative effects on your health. How are your chakras impacted by how you live? What effects can an unbalanced chakra have on your life?

Here are some things that can happen if your chakras are unbalanced:

  • Being afraid or full of anxiety
  • Lots of back pain
  • Problems with your digestion or intestines
  • Eating disorders
  • Obesity
  • Slow metabolism
  • Skin conditions such as acne
  • Asthma or respiratory problems
  • Allergies
  • Sinus problems
  • Thyroid problems
  • Teeth and gum pain
  • Problems with the ear or with hearing
  • Spine problems
  • Eyesight problems
  • Headaches
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Dementia
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Groin, hip, leg, ankle, feet and calve pain
  • Infertility
  • Gynecological problems
  • Sexual disorders
  • Spleen or gallbladder problems
  • Low self-esteem
  • Memory problems
  • Skin and hair issues

There are things that can happen if your chakras are unbalanced. This can affect your mind, body and health and can cause you to be sick or to be tired.

Having a good life means you are healthy, and you have strong chakras. In order to keep them strong, meditate each day and go in nature so that you can keep grounded.

Balance your chakras and look online if you need to learn how to balance your chakras and how to be strong in your energies.

How to Summon Spirits

How to Summon Spirits

Are you interested in the supernatural? If you are, chances are that you might have already tried to call on spirits at least a time in your life. If you don’t want to talk or bother the spirits but you are interested in what happens when people summon spirits, this article can be for you.

There are some ways that you can call on spirits on your own but make sure you know that there are some that will not want to leave.

Ouija Board

You can use the Ouija board to get spirits. This game has 26 letters and 0-9 numbers and the words yes, no and goodbye. There is a plastic heart on the board and when you line your fingers on the board the spirits are supposed to move the heart and give you answers. This is not a game and should be used with seriousness.


Using planchettes can help you to get messages from the spirits. This was initially used as a wooden board and would help people that wanted to talk to spirits.


Some people use rituals to talk to demons. This can be a circle that allows you to summon spirits. Be careful if you don’t want to summon demons.

Crystal Ball

The medium can talk to spirits and hear words from the spirits and many of them do use a crystal ball to speak to them. You might see an image or a message when you call on them.


Look in mirrors and light some candles and when there is a lot of wax, put it on the mirror. Put salt around the mirror and yourself and be quiet. Take a knife and cut the wax and put some blood on the mirror and ask the witches or the spirits to come to you.

Speak with Candles

You can light a candle and focus on who you want to talk to. Write yes and no on the paper and put a pentagram on it. Let the candle melt and then ask the spirits to come. Once the flame goes out see what you experienced.


You can think of your dead friend or relative and ask them to reveal themselves to you.


A female demon can come and have sex with you when you are sleeping. You can prick your finger and ask your succubus to come to you.

Vampire or Werewolf

Use paper, pencil, lavender, and salt and draw a circle on the paper and put an X through it. Put some salt on the circle and burn some lavender and ask the vampire or werewolf to come to you.  Let it come to you.

Good Luck Spirit

Close your eyes and have an open mind and ask your luck to come to you. This can take a spell and can happen after midnight and last for a long time.


Put water on the stove and boil it and ask it to bring a storm. Say, “water boil, not just here but everywhere.” Watch for a storm to come.

Grim Reaper

Put out 20 different candles and light them. Ask the Grim Reaper to come and be your friend.


Light a white candle at midnight and ask the creatures to come where you are. See if you hear bells ringing.

Bloody Mary

Light two red candles and ask Bloody Mary to come and take a drink and see if she tells you the future.


Call out to the fairies in your yard. Cut out footprints from paper and sprinkle sugar on them. Put a paper bag down and put it in a circle. Ask the folks with wings to come to you and listen for feet walking.

Haunted Spell

If you want to see spirits for more than one day you can take five candles that are green and light them and then burn rose bushes in them. Prick your thumb and let blood go into the candle. Ask to see spirits that will not scare you. Put the candles out with lemon juice.


Go outside when the moon is full and ask the universe to send you something scary. Say it ten times and wait for them to come.

Lost Sister

If you are missing your sister, ask the universe to bring her to you. Say, “blood, I ask you to return to me.”

Family of Witches

Put out a pentagram and put salt with candles on the five stars. Ask the witches to come to you and to help you and see if magic comes.

Keeping Your Chakras Balanced

Keeping Your Chakras Balanced

There are seven main energy centers in your body called the chakras. These are where your energy flows from the top of your head all the way down to your feet.

It is important that your chakras are unblocked because when they are blocked, it can cause there to be sickness and mental anguish in your life. The energy has to be able to run to all parts of your body so that your mind, body, and soul can be strong and healthy.

The word chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheels. This is wheels of positive energy that flow all through your body.

If you want to know more about your chakras, keep reading:

Root Chakra

The Root chakra is also called the Muladhara. This is the part of the body that is at the base of the spine and is where you gain your confidence to fight through hard things in your life. When the Root chakra is blocked it can make you feel that you are unsteady, upset, or angry.

This chakra is found in the area of the tailbone and at the base of the spine and controls your independence and your need for things of survival such as food, shelter, and money.

When your chakra is blocked, you can say these words, “I cannot grow when my foundation is not steady.”

This chakra is associated with the color red, the Hematite stone and is from the earth element. This will develop when you are between the ages of 1 year and 8 years of age.

In order to strengthen this chakra, you can do yoga and the Warrior I pose is one of the best for this situation.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral chakra is also called the Swadhishthana. This is the chakra that helps to regulate your emotions and helps you to be creative and to have good sexual energy. When the Sacral is blocked, it makes you feel out of control.

This chakra is located under the belly button and in the lower part of the stomach. This chakra helps to regulate your happiness, sexuality and calling abundance into your life.

When your chakra is blocked, you can say these words, “I will honor other people before I honor myself.”

This chakra is associated with the color orange, the Tiger’s Eye stone and is part of the water element. This will develop between the ages of 7 years old and 18 years of age.

In order to strengthen this chakra, you can do yoga and the Bound Angle Pose is one of the best for this situation.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus chakra is also known as the Manipura chakra. This is where you find your confidence in your life and where you can deal with fear head on. If this chakra is unbalanced, you will feel shame and you will doubt the choices you make.

This chakra is located in the upper stomach area. This chakra helps you to have strong self-esteem, to know your worth and to be confident in decisions you make.

When your chakra is blocked, you can say these words, “I will have self-love and learn to accept who I am.”

The Solar Plexus is associated with the color yellow, the Amber stone and is from the fire element. This chakra normally develops between 14 and 21 years of age.

In order to strengthen this chakra, you can do yoga and the Boat pose is one of the best for this situation.

Heart Chakra

The Heart chakra or the Anahata is where you have love. This is where you can learn to love who you are, forgive yourself and others and to find unconditional love. All areas of love deal with the heart chakra.

This chakra is located in the middle of the chest where the heart is. This chakra helps you to have happiness, peace, love, and joy.

If the heart chakra is blocked, you will not be able to talk to people or be empathetic or compassionate to those that need it.

When the heart chakra is blocked, you can say these words, “I love myself and loving others is something that is easy.

This chakra is associated with the color green, the Rose Quartz stone and is part of the air element. This chakra normally develops between the ages of 20 and 28 years old.

In order to strengthen this chakra, you can do yoga and the Camel pose is one of the best for this situation.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is also called the Vishuddha. This is where you are able to speak clearly, communicate with others and have power in what you say. An open throat chakra will allow you to show the world who you are and what you are feeling.

This chakra is located in the throat area and helps to regulate expression, communication and truth speaking.

If this chakra is blocked, you can say, “I always speak the truth.”

This chakra is associated with the colors blue and turquoise and the Aquamarine stone and is part of the sound element. This chakra usually develops between 28 and 35 years old.

In order to strengthen this chakra, you can do yoga and the Fish pose is one of the best for this situation.

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye chakra or the Ajna is the center of your area that helps with intuition and helps you to connect to the spirit world. This chakra allows you to have visions and dreams.

This chakra is located in the middle of the forehead and between the eyes. It helps to give you intuition, wisdom and helps you to open up to visions and imaginations.

When the Third Eye is blocked, you can say, “I will explore things I cannot see.”

This chakra is associated with the colors purple or blue, the Amethyst stone and is part of the light element. This chakra develops between the ages of 35 and 42 years old.

Crown Chakra

The Crown chakra is also known as the Sahasrara. This is located at the top of the head and helps to connect you to the spiritual world. When this is balanced, you can reach your higher self.

This chakra is at the top of your head and helps you to be in control of how you feel about yourself and your spiritual connections.

When this chakra is unbalanced you can say, “I will bring in light and love.”

This chakra is associated with the colors white and violet, the Clear Quartz stone and is part of the divine consciousness element. This chakra normally develops between the ages of 42 to 50 years old.

Nine Ways to Improve Your Clairvoyance

Nine Ways to Improve Your Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the gift of psychic sight.  This skill harnesses your inner wisdom and connects it with Divine knowledge.  You also link into the network of all the souls in the universe, those alive, crossed over and awaiting manifestation.  You can strengthen your clairvoyance through easy daily exercises.  Just as with any skill, you will improve with time, commitment and patience.  Be gentle on yourself as you develop your skills, you might not see the progress you dream of right away, but with persistence and hard work you will become a skilled seer.

  1. Acknowledge and purge your resistance to clairvoyance

The idea of clairvoyance can seem scary at first.  Take a breath, you may have already seen psychic sight manifest in your life, without realizing what it was.  You may have even perhaps blocked it out of fear.  In order to embrace your skills in clairvoyance, you must begin by unblocking yourself and release any fear you may have surrounding this wonderous blessing.

Locate a private and quiet space to focus on your breathing and pinpointing the root of your resistance or fears.  People may have told you that psychic abilities are a sign of mental instability.  They are not when wielded properly.  You also could be concerned of people’s perceptions of you if they were to learn of your gift.  Focus on yourself and not others!  After you understand what is causing you these fears, create a positive affirmation like: “I’m ready to embrace my psychic sight and all its lessons.”  Repeat this affirmation at least once a day.

  1. Activate your Third Eye

After assuaging your fears, you should tur your focus to your third eye.  Located between and just above your eyebrows, this chakra governs images, symbols and visions.  Sit comfortable in a private and quiet space.  Draw your attention to the space between your eyebrows and go a bit higher.  Picture this area as a horizontal oval shape, this is your third eye.  Can you visualize it being open or closed?  If it’s closed ask it to open or what it needs to open.  Work by using your intuition until it begins to open.  As it opens you may experience a flood of love and warm coursing through your body as you begin to reconnect to a part of you that was blocked.  It’s also okay if you struggle to see your third eye on the first attempt, you will get there with time.

  1. Cultivate visual wisdom

When your third eye opens, you may notice new visualizations like glittering lights, or floating objects.  These visualizations can come in an array of forms: black and white or full spectrum color, still or in motion.  At first your clairvoyant messages may be very subdued or fuzzy.  This signals a need to strengthen your visual library before using your skills to convey messages to key questions.  Begin a practice of asking images to become brighter, larger or clearer, do so with a strong will and pure intention. You may also try the following exercise:

Picture yourself standing near a moving river holding five flowers, each of a different color. See yourself bending down and releasing a flower into the rushing river.  Wait it float downstream until it fully disappears.  Then release the next flowers, and repeat the process until you are out of flowers.  Practice this exercise until you clearly envision each flower complete its journey.

  1. Use Clairvoyance as a divination tool

When you feel ready you can use clairvoyance to answer pressing questions that address specific matters.  Instead of asking “What does my next job entail?” think about your goals in life and what you hope to achieve, phrasing a question like “Will I become a famous poet in 10 years?”  Focus on asking specially formulate questions about aspect you specifically want to address rather than posing general queries.

  1. Interpret Clairvoyant visions

Now you are able to receive clairvoyant images, you must understand what they mean in order to analyze them properly.  If the images confound you, ask either silently or aloud for Spirit to clarify their meaning.  These divine-given answers will appear as feelings, thoughts or sounds.  At first, these answers may seem odd or fuzzy.  This is typical of the learning process, trust yourself and the spirit realm, and repeat your question.  They will help clarify the answer in a way that better resonates for you.

  1. Keep the faith

This is essential in building your clairvoyant gifts.  Trust and believe in what you see and hear!  Discrediting your power will only block you again and impede you from achieving your psychic potential.

  1. Journal your experiences

Writing down and reviewing your psychic journey will help you improve and better process your psychic abilities.  You will also see how reliable your readings are and any valuable impact they provide.  You will also learn more insight into your keenest psychic and intuitive talents.

  1. Meet other psychics

Having friends with psychic talents can help you freely discuss your experiences, learn from one another, see new perspectives and allow you to grow your talents.

  1. Meditate

Meditation helps us connect with higher energy vibrations and become more receptive for spiritual messages.  It will help your third eye to remain open and strengthen your ability to visualize and interpret information.  You can even set specific mediation goals to improve your clairvoyance!  Search out YouTube videos to help you open and exercise your third eye.  It is normal to notice slight tingling in your third eye during these practices and signals this chakra is open and working to process images clairvoyantly.

Harnessing your clairvoyance

It can be unnerving to see clairvoyant images such as flashes of light, at first, and that is perfectly normal!  This is especially true if you are alone and don’t understand how to process what you are seeing.  Work to learn and master your gift of clairvoyance.  This blessing can provide valuable insight and guidance for yourself and others.  This skill is divinely giving and the spirits have your best self at heart.  Their guidance is also bestowed with love and compassion.  Rejoice as you develop your skills at this ability to spread joy, love, wisdom, and peace.  Make sure you have fun along your journey to spiritual empowerment.

Using Numerology to Find Love

Using Numerology to Find Love

When you are looking to meet your soulmate or a new partner, it is important that you know if you are compatible with them or not. You can use numerology to learn more about who you are and about who your partner is.

You can use your date of birth to learn about your own personality and to help you know what path of life you are meant to be on.

Numerology can also help you to figure out what other people are about. It is very easy to use and all you have to have is your birthday and your partners birthday to know.

Finding Your Number

Take your birthday and add the numbers together. Example: November 3, 1977 is 11+3+1+9+7+7=38 which means 3+8 equals 11 and 1+1 equals 2.  Break it down until it is a single digit and then do the same things with your spouse.

Meaning of Numbers

Once you find your numbers, you can use these numbers to see who you are the most compatible with.

Number 1

People with the number 1 are usually kind and compassionate. They work well with 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Number 2

The number 2 is a sensitive person and is most compatible with 1, 5, 6, 8 and 9.

Number 3

The person with the number 3 is someone that is serious about their sex life. They are compatible with 1, 3, 5 and 7.

Number 4

The number 4 is someone that is devoted to their partner. They work best with 5, 6 and 8.

Number 5

The person with the number 5 is the romantic person. They work with 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7.

Number 6

Someone with a number six is going to have strong love. They work well with 2, 5, 6, 7 and 9.

Number 7

This person is very good in bed and very giving. They work with 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9.

Number 8

The number 8 likes to keep people close. They do not give their love away easily. They work with the number 2.

Number 9

The number nine is very giving and kind but reserved. They work well with 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8.

Channeling Anger

Channeling Anger

When you respond in anger you put yourself in a situation that becomes undesirable. You might have strong feelings, but you can change the way that you react to these feelings of anger and do the right thing.

Maybe you get angrier now than ever before from things such as the election, the pandemic or maybe even murder has gotten you down.

When you express your feelings on Facebook, you might realize that you have news reports available to you that others believe are reliable and so you might message people and talk to them about what you feel. When you view things in anger though, this is not part of your spiritual life and you need to learn to respond with love and respect.

Being in the world and getting angry about things such as politics is not really unspiritual, it is something that everyone experiences and sometimes anger comes without judgement and is justified.

The problem is not being angry, the problem is how you respond to your anger. What do you do when you are angry and how do you vent? Do you lash out or explode on others and show aggression? When you do, this is the unspiritual part of being angry. When you argue and you are full of rage and this causes you to make undesirable decisions, it can be a game changer.

When you learn to control you anger and to not have an action of rage or anger, you can do that without losing yourself. Anger is part of what you are feeling and the way you react to anger can cause you to have to face consequences. The actions that you take can cause hatred and can cause you to no longer be innocent but to have deep rooted feelings.

Anger can cause you to feel intense and to have a violent temper or to show yourself with tantrums. If you hide your anger and deny your anger, then you are not going to be able to have positive change because you are not handling it.

Having out of control rage is morally wrong but if you can learn to control your emotions and your anger then you will have clear thoughts and your motives will be full of love, compassion, and care for others.

History of Anger

Anger changes your energy and it causes you to go from slow to fast in seconds. You have to be able to recognize this and learn to calm yourself. You can meditate or breathe, and you can learn to neutralize your anger so that you can calm down and talk about what you are feeling without taking actions.

Everyone has peace inside of them but when anger comes, we seem to separate our anger from who we are and when we can learn to experience in a moment and identify what it makes us do, we can learn to control both our mind and body.

We can take our anger and act in a moral way. We can look at how we feel, make a plan, and voice our steps before we take action. When we learn to remind ourselves that we have feelings but that others have feelings as well, we can learn to center ourselves before our anger gets out of control. No one wants to be angry and to react to anger in a negative way.

Anger is an emotion that we all must face at some time or another but if we learn to handle our anger with care and compassion, we can continue on our religious road without messing up and without having to seek solitude for our actions.

Learn the 11 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

Learn the 11 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

Everything that has happened in recent years is leading people to discover their spiritual path. For some, this is a steady process of growth. For others, it is an awakening that completely changes their direction. Either way, the deepening of a spiritual connection creates a huge shift in one’s life.

The Downside

Spiritual awakenings are not always pretty. Many times, they are the result of a tragic or stressful series of events in one’s life. It can also involve uncovering past negative emotions or pain. These must be uncovered and dealt with to heal properly but the process is painful.

There could be some people who are beginning to enter a spiritual awakening and not even realize it. The Bible says the Holy Spirit calls people and sometimes He has to have some repeated calls before the person answers at all. It could be that way with other forms of spiritual calls as well. Sometimes, we just aren’t paying attention.

11 Signs of Awakening

  1. You have new beliefs.

How has your belief system changed over the past 15 years? If it has grown or explored a variety of ideas, you are headed for an awakening.

  1. You’re at peace with simple living.

You no longer concentrate on acquiring stuff but find living in peace with less responsibility is a good thing. You are parring down your stuff, getting rid of a lot of useless things, and enjoying a lifted burden. You will feel a lightness that will encourage you to get down to the basics.

  1. You want a career change.

Your old career just isn’t as fulfilling as it used to be. You feel you need to do something that can make more of a difference in the world or at least make you happier. This is where you must overcome resistance and take a leap of faith. You may not get all the details upfront, but you know where you are supposed to be.

  1. Personal development draws you.

You crave books, podcasts, and television shows that help you become all you can be. You seek out this type of knowledge regularly. You also feel the need to be inspired and love to read or watch stories of others who have reached their dreams. Art and culture mean more to you also as it is a source of inspiration.

  1. Love of nature deepens.

Everyone is drawn to nature on some level. It is part of our inner being and being in it helps us to get away from the noise of life and connect with something more than ourselves, be it God, Creator, the Universe, or higher power. Nature can speak to us if we listen and this relationship is something someone in a spiritual awakening can build.

  1. Your sleep patterns change.

Those who have trouble falling asleep could be starting a spiritual awakening. All your inner energy, thoughts, and questions are churning and that is keeping you awake. Other people who are more mature in their spirituality know how to turn it off. It could be that you have trouble falling asleep or wake up too early, at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m., and can’t get back to sleep. This is a natural process so don’t worry about it. The best option is to get up and do whatever you feel called to do, write in a journal, paint, or play music. Another good option is to put on some spiritual readings or music on your phone or stereo that lulls you back to sleep. Affirmations, Scripture readings, or stories work well and there are plenty of phone apps to choose from that will play for hours.

  1. You talk to yourself or God more.

This may seem like odd behavior because we associate talking to ourselves or someone else not physically present as a bit crazy. It isn’t. Everyone does a little self-talk sometimes, either to reassure themselves, hear their thoughts with more clarity, or to help them organize their actions. Many people feel talking out loud to God activates their prayers more than silently praying. The Book of James in the Bible talks about speaking life and manifesting through speaking, so there is something to the idea of activating things by speaking.

People do this more when experiencing a spiritual awakening. That’s because you are developing a new level of communication inside you and feel more connected to divine energy. As you become more insightful, be sure to write or record your thoughts to review later.

  1. You discovering synchronicity.

You began to see that everything in your life intersects with everything else as if it was meant to be. That’s because it was! You began to discover that everything that has happened, even the bad stuff, had a purpose in developing your personality and character into what it is today. That is important because it is what you need to continue your path.

You may also experience odd synchronic patters like repeating numbers or repeated phrases. It may take a bit of research to discover what these messages mean and how they are directing you, but the fact that you are noticing them shows you are developing more spiritual awareness.

  1. There is more oneness.

As you go through a spiritual awakening, you start sensing connections with others more easily. You feel like you belong in every place you go to and no longer feel isolated but a part of everything. This type of connectedness is the beginning of an intense spiritual relationship that results in deep knowledge. Everything becomes meaningful to us because nothing is random.

  1. You care for your body more.

A spiritual awakening makes you realize your body is truly a temple because it houses your spirit. That makes you want to care for it better, so you began to eat more nutritiously, exercise more, and do other things to take better care of your body. You won’t have to think much about these changes because you are naturally drawn to it as part of your spiritual awakening.

  1. You experience deep emotion or even sadness.

This may seem at odds with a spiritual awakening but it truly isn’t. You are tapping into all your feelings and some of those are bound to be deep expressions of sadness. There may be a logical reason for them or there may be no reason at all. Some who are on intense spiritual journeys feel sadness for the evil in the world, for those who don’t know love or other burdens. It’s okay. Release these feelings and ask to be a light giver in the dark areas of life. Your will be filled with more joy and love afterward.

These 11 signs are a way for you to take an assessment of where you are on your spiritual journey. Whether you are experiencing some or all of them, continuing pressing forward to the high calling. You will be more fulfilled as you do.

How to Improve Your Root Chakra

How to Improve Your Root Chakra

The root chakra is the utmost base of the seven chakras.  These energy center reside in your body and influence your overall wellbeing.  The root chakra (“Muladhara”), or foundation, governs your primal instinct and sense of connectiveness to society.  Through meditate focused on this area you can be empowers and maintain balance within yourself and the universal community, and provide you a sense of inner peach.

Represented by the color red, envision how this chakra is housed in your tailbone.  Notice what this ball of warm light tells you about you sense of survival, physical needs, ability to trust and relationship to both nature and the universe.  Notice how your sense of stability, safety and security feel in your tailbone’s connection with the hips, lower back and even feet.

The following are some colorations to Muladhara:

  • The musical note “C”
  • The elephant
  • Saturn
  • The astrological signs Capricorn and Aquarius.

A blockage in this chakra causes a person to feel nervous and anxious.  You might also feel fearful, scared or lost.  Physical and mental manifestations include panic attacks and negative speaking toward oneself or others.

Thankfully, you can reopen any chakras, including Muladhara and realigned them via mediation.  Begin by slowly stretching your hips, lower back and legs.  Ease yourself into a cross-legged position and focus on calming music or sounds.  You might also have chosen to include dim or candle light and some red toned crystals like red jasper, red agate, garnet, or ruby.

Extend your spine into an upright position, which facilitates an unimpeded energy flow from your Root to Crown chakras.  Breathe deeply for a few minutes until you feel a deep sense of relaxation.  Envision yourself a stately tree with roots that burrow deep into the heart of the earth.  You might also picture yourself as a majestic mountain with a firm, and established base.

After a few more breaths, ask yourself questions like: What do I most need to know in this moment, How do I envision my life, What does it mean to live with more kindness, wellness, or achievements, What do I need to bring more opportunity into my life.” Ask these questions without expecting an immediate answer.  The answer will form within you at the right time.

Now, notice three glowing, clear paths ahead.  Enjoy the warmth that invites you forward.  Pay attention the scenery around you and how it might differ on each of the paths.  Listen as the birds sing sweet melodies nearby.  Glance to the left path, this guides you to a healthy, strong and balanced body.  Shift attention to the middle path, this beckons you to a mind filled with positivity, ease and goodness.  Now, pay attention the right path, this calls your soul to true joy, love and fulfillment.  Finally notice where the paths again converge into one golden resplendent path.  Embrace the sensation of becoming perfectly balanced within yourself.  As you walk this golden path forward, welcome the sensations of love, healing and grounding being gifted to you by the Earth and Universe.  Let it rise up from you base, into your stomach, into your throat, and finally out the crown of your head.  Feel the love the Universe and see yourself and your true purpose for all its wonderous glory.

End this mediation by gradually bringing your awareness back to the present.  As you begin to let your eye flutter open, notice the peace and balance that exists within and around you.  Pay attention to your shift in feelings of connection and security.  As you leave the mediation space.  Claim this vision of wholeness for yourself.  If you need to quickly rebalance yourself use affirmations or mantras such as the following examples: I am safe, stable, and secure. I am deeply fulfilled. I am supported by the Universe in all things. I feel grounded, serene, loved, and happy. The Universe provides for me. All my needs are met. I am at peace.

Harness Your Prana Energy Today

Harness Your Prana Energy Today

Prana energy is term for life force energy.  In Chinese traditions this universal force is referred to as chi (qi).  Prana is the basis of all life.  It can be absorbed best via mindful deep breathing.  There are five styles of Prana, which we have listed below.

  • Prana vayu
  • Apana vayu
  • Samana vayu
  • Udana vayu
  • Yyana vayu

Both the quality of air and the style of which we breathe facilitates optimal flow of prana.  Since our heartbeat links with the prana, as well as the oxygen we absorb, one’s heartbeat is also part of the prana system.  The heart serves to allocate the energy all over our body.  When you mediate on the heart chakra, you can better integrate the power of cosmic prana and its benefits with your mind, body and spirit.  Regulating the movement of prana is done via our breath.  The way we manage our breathing correlates with the external ways we experience our lives.  You can breathe either measured and focused, or erratic and staccato.  Each style produces a key effect on one’s mind, body, and spirit.

It is crucial to understand prana is not the air we intake or the act of breathing, but instead that air is the gateway to the energy prana possess.  This in a Western mindset is similar to source code.  Instead of a series of 1’s and 0’s of a computer code, prana is the basis of life in spiritual terms.  It’s a repeating pattern that serves as the backbone of making a system run.

Why life force is essential

Prana, Chi, Qi (or in Japan “Ki”) is an electromagnetic field that is produced by living beings (bioelectromagnetic).  Think of how an electrical current is carried along a wire, a magnetic field around the entirety of length of that wire.  All living creatures pulse with electric transmission sent between the brain, our nerves and tissues via the spinal cord.  No matter how small a charge could be, at any millisecond trillions of charges occur simultaneously in a body.  This process creates the bioelectromagnetic field, or prana.  This magnetic field can be influenced by its surroundings.  How the area within the bioelectromagnetic field interacts with the substances around it contributes to the “command” of the force on one’s qi.

11 Simple Ways to Amplify your Prana

  1. Meditate

Find a comfortable position either sitting or laying down.  Invite the life force energy to swirl about your body.  Notice any images, colors or sensations that arise during the meditation.

  1. Breathe

Practice diaphragmic breathing.  Take deep, purposeful breaths into your abdomen.  Focus on how the breath makes you feel.

  1. Select high vibration foods

Centering your diet on high vibration foods like fruits and vegetables will raise your overall energetic vibration.  As you continue to eat healthy, notice how your body feels and how your intuition becomes strengthened.

  1. Affirmations

Prana energy always us to become more positive in thoughts and actions.  By reciting positive daily affirmations people reprogram their subconscious to let go of aspects that limit our potential.  Thus, we are able to create the life that best serves our spirit.

  1. Laughter

Laughter helps us navigate the tough days.  It brings in more light and joy into our lives.  It shifts the lower vibrations and negative thinking into patterns that are healthier for us.  Laughter relaxes the entirety of our body, boosts the immune system, strengthens our physical and energetic heart, and even burns calories.  Essentially laughter enables us to live a healthier life for decades to come.

  1. Act lovingly

Commit to being more loving to yourself and others.  Love transcend thought or emotions.  It the basis of the universe.  As you spread it freely, you will be more apt to receive it.

  1. Live boldly

Discover your life purpose and explore this potential to its fullest!  Most unhappy people feel lost and purposeless.  Indulge in the aspects that make you special and bring you joy.  Don’t compare yourself with anyone else.  Live life on your terms and embrace your self-worth.

  1. Honor your body

Become better connected with your physical and mental bodies.  As you begin to live more within yourself you can reconnect to what makes you special.  You can strengthen your relationship with yourself through breathing and mediation exercises.

  1. Release negativity

Negativity only blocks our life force.  Thus, we feel stuck and listless.  This is especially true when we are in toxic relationships.  People with lower vibrations can inadvertently drain our energy and become energy vampires.  Begin to distance yourself from them to protect your energetic and physical health.  Although difficult to do, this space can allow them to identify the areas they need to heal so that they can once more become a blessing in your life.

  1. Consistency matters

Energy is always moving.  But for it to flow optimally consistency helps.  Begin by setting and meeting small, but meaningful goals.  As you become successful broaden out your goals and help inspire others to improve their life as well.

  1. Be compassionate

Show compassion towards yourself and others as much as possible.  Try to limit judgmental thinking as this impedes prana’s flow.  Remember the law of attraction.  As you become more compassionate you will notice other around you will be more compassionate as well.

Aura and Your Health

Aura and Your Health

Your aura is your energy field that surrounds each person like a bubble. It is made of natural energy and you most likely cannot see the aura with the naked eye.  The aura that you have will affect you in many ways.

Brain and Heart

It is thought by scientists that when a person is happy that they are having a stronger heartbeat. This creates a magnetic code that affects those around you. We are connected with other people in this world and who we are really does matter.

Internal Self

Your aura is something that extends around three feet past your body. If something bad happens to you, it can expand up to 20 feet and when this happens it will mix with other people’s auras. When your auric field goes through someone else’s aura, it can mix with yours.


Your emotions will rub off on other people because when you become part of their aura, it can cause you to feel stressed or anxious. Your energy can take over someone else’s energies.

Hiding Feelings

You are not able to hide your aura, even if you want to hide your feelings. You can be thankful for what you have and smile but if your conscious mind says something is wrong, your aura will show it.


The energy that you have is what your aura is. It is the real you and who you are. No matter how hard you try to hide this, you will not be able to.

Empaths are people that are really affected by other energies, more than most people, and they will feel their emotions. We all have this ability, but some people are more in tune with their giftings than others are. The truth is though, we can take on other people’s energies and we need to learn to keep the good feelings and get rid of the negative energies that we pick up.


When you are afraid of something, chances are you will have a yellow or orange aura. When you get rid of fear you will see that the color of your aura changes. You will always see it change based on what emotions that you have inside.

Immune System

Your aura can help you to change your immune system by bring positive vibes to your body. When you can let go of negative emotions, you will have better luck having a stronger body and mind.

Electron Cloud

Your aura is part of the gas discharge and it can show you where there are health problems in people. Your aura does this as well. When you have something wrong with your body, your aura will tell you.


Scientists can see the energy of the aura in images and this is how human beings’ function. Testing is not something that has been approved in the USA but around the world, people have been able to understand and find the energies of the chakras and how they affect the overall wellbeing.


There are different experiments that are being done to find out what causes your aura to change. Some believe the aura will change after death up to 72 hours after you die. The energies may or may not be going back into the earth.


Our internal system can become sick and blocked and this can happen to our auras as well. When this happens, we need to have energy healing and be able to get rid of blockages. This can mean that your chakras or your aura is blocked, and you need to get help.

Aura Issues

There are some issues that can affect how strong your aura is and it can lead to problems in your health. If you have been feeling down and you are full of negative emotions, your aura can not work as well, and you might get sick.

Energies that Cause Problems

Having not enough energy or having too much energy in your chakra can cause you to have health problems such as panic attacks, emotional problems and physical problems.

Distant Healing

Distant energy healing can take place when you are far away, but you need a healer. You can let the healer to do distance healing and you do not even need to call them or meet them, just send them a picture of yourself.

Effects of Distance Healing

Distance healing can bring you peace and can help you to be whole and healed. This can increase your energies and cause you to have a healthy mind and body.