What Should You Ask Your Pendulum?

What Should You Ask Your Pendulum

When using a pendulum, you might wonder what you can and can’t ask it. You might wonder if you should just ask yes or no questions or if your questions should be more specific. The more accurate the answer is, the more accurate the question is. As you learn how to work your pendulum, you will learn how to use it when you do a reading.

Do you want to ask about your career or your relationship? Are you looking to find out what kind of job you would be good at or if you should move forward in your own business? Do you want to know what kind of activities you would enjoy?

When you are wanting to ask a pendulum a question, you need to make sure that your question is asked in a way that you can get a response. Instead of saying something like, “am I with the right person?” you can ask “will it make my life better if I stay with this person?” As you figure out how to ask your questions, the answers will be easier to get.

What to Ask

Here are some questions that you can ask your pendulum:

Job Questions

  • Should I be in the field that I am in?
  • Will I get more respect if I set boundaries at the job I am in?
  • Did college help me to get into the best career?
  • Is my company the best one for my own personal interests?
  • Will my hobby become profitable?
  • Should I ask for a raise?
  • Do I have enough experience to get a better job?
  • Is this company going to make me feel happy?
  • Will my job lead me to an unhappy life?

Love Questions

  • Is this person giving me the best life?
  • Are me and my partner on the same path?
  • Should I commit to my relationship?
  • Are we better as friends?
  • Is this a good time to get married?
  • Am I putting enough effort into my relationship?
  • Do I need more boundaries?

Other Questions

  • Should I ask my family to help me?
  • Will finding a partner for my new job be beneficial?
  • Should I tell my partner I don’t believe the same as they do?
  • Am I asking for too little money?
  • Is there something better waiting for me?
  • Do I expect too much from my partner?
  • Am I following my real calling?
  • Is now a good time to move?
  • Is now a good time to change jobs?
  • Should I change my career path at this time?
  • Is this a good time for me to make an investment?
  • Am I fearful of things in my life?
  • Do I feel anxious over nothing/
  • Should I learn to say no more?
  • Can I reduce my fear by being more open?

The best questions that you can ask a pendulum are questions that are related to the things that are happening in your life. If you want to make a decision about a job, relationship or even a move, asking your pendulum can help you.

When you have a question about your life, ask your pendulum to help you and see what kind of answers that you can get.


  1. I found the examples of job and love questions helpful. It gives a good starting point for someone new to pendulums.

  2. The idea of using a pendulum to make life decisions is intriguing, but I’m skeptical about its effectiveness. Any thoughts?

  3. I’m curious about the comment on boundaries in relationships and jobs. How would one ask a pendulum about that specifically?

  4. It’s good advice to phrase questions clearly. Ambiguous questions can definitely lead to ambiguous answers.


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