Keeping Your Chakras Balanced

Keeping Your Chakras Balanced

There are seven main energy centers in your body called the chakras. These are where your energy flows from the top of your head all the way down to your feet.

It is important that your chakras are unblocked because when they are blocked, it can cause there to be sickness and mental anguish in your life. The energy has to be able to run to all parts of your body so that your mind, body, and soul can be strong and healthy.

The word chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheels. This is wheels of positive energy that flow all through your body.

If you want to know more about your chakras, keep reading:

Root Chakra

The Root chakra is also called the Muladhara. This is the part of the body that is at the base of the spine and is where you gain your confidence to fight through hard things in your life. When the Root chakra is blocked it can make you feel that you are unsteady, upset, or angry.

This chakra is found in the area of the tailbone and at the base of the spine and controls your independence and your need for things of survival such as food, shelter, and money.

When your chakra is blocked, you can say these words, “I cannot grow when my foundation is not steady.”

This chakra is associated with the color red, the Hematite stone and is from the earth element. This will develop when you are between the ages of 1 year and 8 years of age.

In order to strengthen this chakra, you can do yoga and the Warrior I pose is one of the best for this situation.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral chakra is also called the Swadhishthana. This is the chakra that helps to regulate your emotions and helps you to be creative and to have good sexual energy. When the Sacral is blocked, it makes you feel out of control.

This chakra is located under the belly button and in the lower part of the stomach. This chakra helps to regulate your happiness, sexuality and calling abundance into your life.

When your chakra is blocked, you can say these words, “I will honor other people before I honor myself.”

This chakra is associated with the color orange, the Tiger’s Eye stone and is part of the water element. This will develop between the ages of 7 years old and 18 years of age.

In order to strengthen this chakra, you can do yoga and the Bound Angle Pose is one of the best for this situation.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus chakra is also known as the Manipura chakra. This is where you find your confidence in your life and where you can deal with fear head on. If this chakra is unbalanced, you will feel shame and you will doubt the choices you make.

This chakra is located in the upper stomach area. This chakra helps you to have strong self-esteem, to know your worth and to be confident in decisions you make.

When your chakra is blocked, you can say these words, “I will have self-love and learn to accept who I am.”

The Solar Plexus is associated with the color yellow, the Amber stone and is from the fire element. This chakra normally develops between 14 and 21 years of age.

In order to strengthen this chakra, you can do yoga and the Boat pose is one of the best for this situation.

Heart Chakra

The Heart chakra or the Anahata is where you have love. This is where you can learn to love who you are, forgive yourself and others and to find unconditional love. All areas of love deal with the heart chakra.

This chakra is located in the middle of the chest where the heart is. This chakra helps you to have happiness, peace, love, and joy.

If the heart chakra is blocked, you will not be able to talk to people or be empathetic or compassionate to those that need it.

When the heart chakra is blocked, you can say these words, “I love myself and loving others is something that is easy.

This chakra is associated with the color green, the Rose Quartz stone and is part of the air element. This chakra normally develops between the ages of 20 and 28 years old.

In order to strengthen this chakra, you can do yoga and the Camel pose is one of the best for this situation.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is also called the Vishuddha. This is where you are able to speak clearly, communicate with others and have power in what you say. An open throat chakra will allow you to show the world who you are and what you are feeling.

This chakra is located in the throat area and helps to regulate expression, communication and truth speaking.

If this chakra is blocked, you can say, “I always speak the truth.”

This chakra is associated with the colors blue and turquoise and the Aquamarine stone and is part of the sound element. This chakra usually develops between 28 and 35 years old.

In order to strengthen this chakra, you can do yoga and the Fish pose is one of the best for this situation.

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye chakra or the Ajna is the center of your area that helps with intuition and helps you to connect to the spirit world. This chakra allows you to have visions and dreams.

This chakra is located in the middle of the forehead and between the eyes. It helps to give you intuition, wisdom and helps you to open up to visions and imaginations.

When the Third Eye is blocked, you can say, “I will explore things I cannot see.”

This chakra is associated with the colors purple or blue, the Amethyst stone and is part of the light element. This chakra develops between the ages of 35 and 42 years old.

Crown Chakra

The Crown chakra is also known as the Sahasrara. This is located at the top of the head and helps to connect you to the spiritual world. When this is balanced, you can reach your higher self.

This chakra is at the top of your head and helps you to be in control of how you feel about yourself and your spiritual connections.

When this chakra is unbalanced you can say, “I will bring in light and love.”

This chakra is associated with the colors white and violet, the Clear Quartz stone and is part of the divine consciousness element. This chakra normally develops between the ages of 42 to 50 years old.