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5 Most Common Pendulum Rituals

pendulum-readingsSometimes, we need easy answers to things. With time, patience and persistence in practice, a pendulum is usually accurate, easy to use and takes little time. It is important to have a quiet setting where you are free from outside influences and will not be disturbed. Always bear in mind regarding divination, that if you feel very strongly, you may influence the divination tool you are working with and it may produce incorrect answers. It takes time, opening and empowering your mind and soul through meditation and also working with a pendulum on a regular basis and keeping a journal [a black book] to record the answers it gives you and whether it was accurate or not. You should also include the date, the time you worked with the pendulum, the phase of the Moon, the weather and if possible, the planets, such as Mercury being retrograde.

Begin by taking something like a small crystal, pendent, ring or other small lightly weighted object and attaching it to a necklace chain, string, ribbon, or some other kind of strand. This should be only kept for divination purposes and not for other uses. Your personal pendulum will be infused with your energy, the same as is with a Satanic Rosary or other ritual item and should be treated with respect and put away when you are not using it.

Once you have assembled your pendulum, practice the art of establishing its motion. The pendulum should swing across the field of your vision. It should never go out of sight. Hanging at arm’s length from your face, rock the pendulum back and forth a few times until you find a way for it to arc from side to side at a slow steady pace.

images (12)Once you have established a steady swinging movement, the next step is to visually focus on the space of the pendulum. The rhythm of your conscious mind following that object in space repeatedly lets you slowly release the tensions and distractions of daily life.

The goal of the pendulum is to stoke your intuition. Through intuitive awakening, your psychic senses become sharper and more accurate. It is a simple process of being absorbed by the constant motion until the repetitive rhythm has so relaxed your mind that the future unfolds like a complex puzzle solving itself.

The five most common Pendulum Rituals:

During a Phone Reading

Perform the ritual if you are having a difficult time concentrating on a psychic reading you are receiving via the phone or internet. As you concentrate on the pendulum, the words of your psychic reading will penetrate deeper. The pendulum’s visual preoccupation creates a space of intense concentration. The clarity of your psychic’s message will astound you after trying this a few times.


Before technology allowed for psychic readings over the phone and internet, the norm was to have one’s psychic hold the pendulum as you worked to reach a point of clarity and reception. This is still popular and gets great results. A psychic knows how to instantly access the power of the pendulum. You can just relax and focus on your question while your advisor enters a meditative state.


Performing a pendulum ritual while on vacation is a fantastic way to maximize the psychic potency of an ordinary pendulum reading. When we are away, it is much easier to remain alone and undistracted in a quiet and relaxing space, be it in your hotel room or on the beach. Plan ahead and book a hotel that advertises itself as a peaceful retreat or is known for its seclusion.

Try the vacation pendulum reading a few times a day. This ritual is better for awakening psychic sensitivity than for resolving a specific question. You are more likely to have psychic revelations after doing this ritual and will increasingly become more prone to having them.


As you get familiar with the weight and physical presence of your pendulum, you may tire of holding it in your hand. The value of hand-held pendulum readings is that they can rarely go on for more than ten minutes. Your arm naturally tires and breaks the rhythm of the pendulum.

Fatigue is a good thing in this context because it allows you to have a finite amount of psychic space, drawing a boundary. Limiting your psychic space allows you to gain clarity and then move on to the next thing.

Once you have established a regular Pendulum reading, mounting your pendulum on a doorway or a mantle, will allow you longer, deeper attempts at expanding that psychic space you have established. But be aware that the longer you stay with the pendulum, the more likely your reading will suffer from the cloudiness of fatigue.



If you can organize your day as such, performing a pendulum reading daily at exactly the same time and in the same place is a powerful ritual. This ritual allows for investigations of a pressing question. If you can perform the ritual daily in a disciplined adherence to the timing, you will find quick and clear answers arise when you fixate on specific, focused questions at the beginning of the ritual.

Swing it, Baby

A pendulum reading makes you more open to a psychic reading and is great for enhancing your psychic powers within the unfolding of your own personal narrative.

How to Use a Pendulum for Divination

Oftentimes, we look for simple and easy answers to things. With time, patience and persistence in practice, a pendulum is usually accurate, easy to use and takes little time. It is important to have a quiet setting where you are free from outside influences and will not be disturbed. Always bear in mind regarding divination, that if you feel very strongly, you may influence the divination tool you are working with and it may produce incorrect answers.

pendulum-clock-flickr-dave-fWhat is a Pendulum for?
It is a tool used for obtaining information from beyond normal consciousness. It helps to tap into the Higher Self and enhance intuition. There are various theories about how and why the pendulum works, and why better for some than others. There is no magic involved. It utilizes the natural process of tuning-in to the Higher Self. When we are too engrossed in everyday life and materialistic worries, our powers of intuition diminish. The intuition we had as children diminished with age in a lot of us as a result of negative programming. We forget who we are. We lose the ability to listen to the Higher Self. There are different techniques to reconnect with the Higher Self, and using the pendulum is one of these. As you become more proficient or adept, the intuition becomes so strong that you begin to know. To increase awareness and raise the consciousness is to make that connection to the Higher Self. The pendulum can be used in healing, energy balancing, detecting imbalances in energy fields, finding missing objects and other uses.

The Pendulum

images (27)1. Choose A Pendulum: Allow a pendulum to choose you. If you like the way it looks or feels, it is meant for you.

2. Cleanse Your Pendulum: You may cleanse it by holding it under running cold tap water, soaking it in sea salt, or setting a mental intention to free it of ‘picked up energies.’

3. Understand the Directional Swings of Your Pendulum: Pendulums swing in vertical straight lines, horizontal straight lines, and in circular movements.

4. Define the Directional Swings of Your Pendulum: Assign each directional swing by asking the pendulum to show you a NO swing, a YES swing, and a NEUTRAL swing.

5. Prepare Your Questions: A question should be one that can be answered with a positive, negative or neutral response.

6. Examples: ‘Will I be offered the job I interviewed for this morning?’ and not, ‘Will my pregnant cousin deliver a boy or girl?

7. Set Your Intention: It is imperative that you precede your question session with a prayerful request or statement. For example, ‘It is my intention to receive truthful answers that are for the good of all concerned.’

8. Ask Your Questions: Be prepared to ask several questions to receive enough information to aid you in your search.

9. Make sure to completely stop any pendulum motion between questions.


Accept information only if your instincts assure you it is accurate.

Keep a notebook handy to write down your questions and your pendulum’s response.

Each pendulum may have a different response. Likewise, each person must establish their own directional swings before using a pendulum.

Make sure that the pendulums have been cleared of any negative energies before and after each use.

How to Use a Pendulum

The subconscious mind must communicate with the conscious mind. Since they both need to be on the same job at the same time, they need to know what is expected of them. This is called programming the pendulum to what is a yes or no.

Draw on a white sheet of paper a vertical line, a horizontal line, a clockwise circle and a counter clockwise circle, use arrows on the lines, if it helps to remember. Holding your pendulum between your thumb & index finger (the pointer) and with a slight arch to your wrist, hold it over the vertical line. It will either not move or move around aimlessly. Now the fun part. With your mind, will the pendulum to move straight up or down. Do not move your fingers or hand. The pendulum will respond. If it does not move right away, take a deep breath and let it out slowly and concentrate. Give it time. Remember what I said about the conscious & subconscious. It sometimes takes a while for the two to communicate.

Next, hold the pendulum over the horizontal line. Again with the mind, direct your will to move the pendulum from side to side. Do this with the clockwise circle and then with the counter clockwise circle. Do not go on until you have the confidence that the pendulum is moving to your command. Do not hurry the process, this is am important step.

With that accomplished, congratulations, you have just addressed your subconscious.

Now for the programming.

Make the pendulum move in a clockwise direction over the clockwise circle and when it is swinging smoothly over the clockwise circle, command out loud to your subconscious “This swing means yes”. Remember it is a command and the subconscious must obey.

guide-pendulum-dowsing-M1Next, move the pendulum over the counter clockwise circle and command out loud “This swing means no.”

Do this exercise a few times a day for about a week to make sure the subconscious has taken the programming. There is no need to practice for long periods, 15-20 minutes should be fine. FYI, if the pendulum swings somewhere in between a yes or no it indicates a maybe answer.

It is important to remember that questions for the pendulum requires a yes or no answer. So make sure you phrase your question accordingly. Most importantly, to have an accurate answer, you cannot have a preconceived opinion regarding the question. That’s what the practice was for. You must stay unbiased or you will not get an accurate answer. That will be the hardest part. You might want to practice with simple questions that you have no emotional investment in. For instance, the color of my car is red? Or did it snow in Florida in the last year?

Test your accuracy before going onto more important questions. By the way, there are books on the market that have charts that you can use with your pendulum that include everyday decision-making, what gem stone to use today, what chakra is in need of clearing, etc. Check them out.