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What a Pendulum Reading Can Reveal

Pendulum readings have a plethora of benefits. One of the biggest benefits is their simplicity. They’re both easy for the psychic to perform and for the client to participate in. But, there are a few things you need to know in order to get the most out of your pendulum reading.

How do pendulum readings work?

Pendulum readings are performed by a psychic using a heavy, weighted stone or object that is attached to a chain or rope, so that it spins and moves freely. The psychic asks that the entities they are communicating with clearly establish what “yes” looks like. They do this by keeping their arm straight and letting the pendulum move freely, of its own accord. The answers can come in several forms, but the most common are to the left, to the right and in circles. When they ask for the entities to establish what an answer looks like, sometimes their reply is subtle, and they’ll therefore have to watch for subtle movements from the pendulum at first. After they do this, they repeat the process and establish what a “no” reply looks like. Once this has been established, the reading can begin.

Another way to get clear answers from a pendulum reading if you have an answer that could result in multiple choices is to write each choice down on a piece of paper. Then, you can arrange the pieces into a circle. The pendulum can be directed to move in the direction of the right choice, and indicate the piece of paper with the answer on it. You can also create a chart, using a similar method, but with one piece of paper, instead of several.

Questions during pendulum readings

The best thing about pendulum readings is that they’re easy. You ask simple “yes or no” questions, and the pendulum answers definitively. (Even if the spirits don’t know, there’s usually a way to tell that this is what they’re indicating.) You can ask anything you want. You should have questions ready beforehand. I usually reflect on my life for a few hours and write the questions down so that I don’t forget them, and I can have them with me and in front of me during the reading. You can also ask follow-up questions during the reading, so you don’t have to stick strictly to your prepared questions.

It’s hard to do, but one of the most important things to remember during pendulum readings is that you need to remain open-minded and neutral. Don’t try to predict the answers you’ll be given, and don’t hope for certain outcomes. If you do, this could greatly influence the answers you receive. Think about it: If you were asked by a person whether their lover would marry them, and you knew they wouldn’t, but the person obviously had their heart set on a particular answer, would you want to tell them the truth and break their hearts? Some spirits don’t want to be jerks. So, staying neutral assures a neutral reading.

You also need to make your questions very clear. If there is any way to misunderstand your question, you’ll get an unclear response. This will happen until you ask a clear question. So, if you don’t want a bunch of frustration, think about your questions carefully.


Whether you’re considering seeking out a psychic to perform your first pendulum reading, or you’re a psychic who doesn’t have a lot of experience with pendulums, the information in this article should greatly help to get you acquainted with pendulum readings. It’s important that both people are comfortable during the reading, and it’s important that the questions that are being asked are clear, as well. But, one more piece of advice: never ask a question that you don’t want an honest answer to.

Pendulum For Starter

 The use of a pendulum to seek guidance is a tool that has been used over 200 years old. It is said that using this psychic tool, taps into your higher self, your intuition & your subconscious mind.

Anyone can utilize this easy tool! It is a fantastic way to gain possible and almost insight, to guide you in pretty much any situation.


When you think of a pendulum, your mind likely wanders to the very pretty, very elaborate pendulums that many psychics use. Beautiful crystals at the end of elegant chains. While this is the case for many commercially available pendulums and the energies of the crystals may aid the guidance, they honestly don’t have to be quite so fancy.

Pendulums can be anything that can be attached to a fixed support (a chain, shoe lace, a thread of wool), to allow it to swing. You may therefore use a favourite necklace with a pendant, or even thread an old ring with a piece of string. A conker on a shoelace is also an excellent alternative to a shop bought choice. At a pinch I have even personally used my earphones as a pendulum on the go.

This should give you some ideas for creating a tool that’s bespoke to your needs. Get creative!


Pendulums will behave a little differently for each person. After all, it is is an extension of you and no two people are alike. However, here are a couple of tried and tested ways to get into the swing of things.

The first is to ask it a series of yes/no questions you know the answer to. This will give you a sense how it will move to indicate Yes and No.

Example; Is my name ________?

My pendulum swings in a vertical fashion, to indicate that “Yes” my name is _________.

Example: Is my name _____?

My pendulum swings in a horizontal motion, to indication that “No” my name is not ________.

There will of course be some questions that will not have such a defined Yes or No answer and this is where the second  training method comes in handy;


You can purchase or create a pendulum mat.

Pendulum mats look a little bit like a compass, they will include the Yes and No directions as well as a few other variables. If creating your own mat, you can include answers that resonate with you that may not be included on a traditional mat.

Speak to your pendulum. Ask it to show you how it would like to move for the different answers.

Example; Pendulum, show me “Try Again”.

Do this over & over again, until you are confident you recognise the movements & the feel of the energy for each answer.


Pendulums are quite a versatile tool and another great way that you can use them, is to link in with the energy of a situation.

A good starting exercise for this is, in the morning, write down the name of the day or the present date. Quiet your mind and hold your pendulum over your writing.

Pay close attention to how it moves. Generally speaking, if there is a lot of movement it means that your day will be wonderful, very fast paced and a lot of really good energy. If there is little or no movement it may mean that your day won’t go according to plan or that something needs extra attention.

Once you’re confident in doing this daily, you can try it with other situations.

Whether you have a fancy crystal pendulum or use an old USB cable with a pen stuck on the end, the pendulum can be an insightful and fun tool to use. I hope you enjoy creating your pendulums and using as much as I do.

The Right Way To Use Pendulum

        Some are asked: Why pendulum? Is it accurate? Well.. What about intuition… Is it accurate? The pendulum can be thought of as an extension of the intuition, since it is used to gain access to information that exists at the subconscious level of the Inner Being. It could be said that it strengthens or amplifies the intuition because it converts the subtleties of the intuition into a more obvious form of physical motion. When you ask a question of the pendulum, it is your own intuition that answers it. The pendulum merely allows you to physically see what the intuition already knows. As an extension of the intuition, the pendulum can give you information from the same two sources as the intuition: from your own subconscious mind; and from your guidance, spirit, or guardian angel. Because of how it operates, the pendulum can only answer questions that are phrased so that the answer is either “yes” or “no”.

Important Things to Remember

  • As long as you keep your sights on the fact that you are the pendulum, that your subconscious mind is really providing the answers, you avoid making the tool more important than the consciousness behind it.
  • Keep your pendulum in a safe and special place to help maintain your vibration on, in and through the pendulum.
  • It is better if you don’t allow other people to handle your pendulum. You want to keep it as much in tune with your vibration as possible. (If you do let other people handle your pendulum, the worst that can happen is that you may have to re-establish the yes/no response.)
  • The number one reason for inaccurate pendulum reading is vague and faulty wording of the question.
  • The number two reason is your psychological state, the thoughts, emotions, feelings, images, desires, hope, wishes, etc. that vibrate in and through your psyche. These things can influence the answer.
  • The third source of pendulum inaccuracy is lack of patience. Approach the pendulum one day at a time. Watch, wait, see and try again.
  • Inaccuracy occurs when there is lack of concentration. Practice focusing on the questions until you are able to concentrate and hold your attention steady during the time you are working with your pendulum.
  • In the beginning there is a tendency to consult the pendulum every time you have to make a decision. At that point the pendulum stops being a tool for cultivating intuitive perception and starts becoming a mental-emotional-spiritual crutch. Do not depend on it to the exclusion of your own common sense.
  • The pendulum is not designed to predict the future. This is because future events are not set in stone, but are determined by people’s free will. It is only possible to predict the future to the extent that you know what future choices people are most likely to want to make. A pendulum can help you predict future events only to the extent that you yourself understand what the possibilities are. In other words, it can help you select among the possibilities you are already aware of. But when other people’s choices are part of the possibilities, free will comes in and increases the variables to the extent that it becomes impossible to predict what people will choose to do.
  • Use the pendulum wisely to develop awareness, perception and intuition. These skills of consciousness are within and only need to be brought out through repeated use. The pendulum is only one way to help bring them out.

Doing Pendulum Readings for Others

Until you have had a lot of experience with the pendulum, do NOT try to use it to get information for someone else. There are ways to do this but it is difficult because the information comes from inside the person using the pendulum, and in order to use the pendulum on behalf of someone else, you have to be very tuned into the other person. Anyone can use the pendulum for himself, but few can use it for others. So don’t do pendulum readings. Instead, make it a personal tool for yourself.

Things that can Cause an Incorrect Response from the Pendulum

  • Poor communication. (inaccurate phrasing) The most important thing is how you phrase the question. For example, don’t just ask “Is this water good for me”?” Be more accurate: Good in what way? The water may have both good and bad aspects. For example, you may be extremely thirsty, so the water is good for replenishing your body fluids, but the water could be tainted and later give you diarrhea. So state the question more clearly such as “Will this water serve my highest and greatest good?”
  • Asking questions that are too general: Don’t ask general questions such as “Is Mary healthy?” Rather ask specific questions such as “Is Mary’s diet causing her health problems?”
  • Being tired.
  • Forcing the situation. Using the pendulum even though the time or circumstances may not be right.
  • Being off Center: Feeling mentally or emotionally out of balance. You need to be in the right frame of mind.
  • Focusing too heavily on the pendulum itself, and not enough on the information inside you.
  • Being too close to high frequency electrical equipment (operate at least 3 ft from a TV or computer screen).

If you start to work with the pendulum, and you are not getting clear swings on the answers, then go over what could be causing this. Ask the pendulum “Is there a more appropriate time?” (perhaps there are children screaming in the other room), or “Is there a more appropriate place?” or “Is there a more appropriate way to state the question?” These are always easy questions to get accurate answers to.

What the Pendulum Can be Used For

The pendulum can be used for choosing between alternatives in a relatively wide range of areas. To get an answer from the pendulum, simply ask any yes/no question about a specific thing that would be good for you, but only in areas where you have the right to make the decision, for example, anything to do with health & healing, love or domestic relationships, career. Here are some typical areas where the pendulum can be used to good advantage:

  • Making a Choice of any kind. (Do I want to travel for my vacation or stay home?)
  • Figuring out what is best to do. (Would it be better to keep my present job or look for a new job?)
  • Figuring out how you really feel about something. (Do I want children in the near future?)
  • Becoming more conscious of who someone is inside, to know his motivation, his compatibility with you.
  • Determining your probability of success in a situation.(Do I have what it takes to complete this course?)
  • Finding the cause of physical symptoms. (Is my diet causing my migraines?)
  • Determining what foods or vitamins to take. (Would it be good for me to double my Vitamin C intake?)
  • Determining what is causing an allergic reaction. (Am I lactose intolerant?)
  • Prospecting for water, oil, treasure. (Is there gold over here?)
  • Finding missing people or pets, or lost objects. (Is my key under the bed?)

You can even use the pendulum with a map. Put the pendulum over a small area of the map and ask “Is Bowser here”?, and narrow it down in this way. Part of the knowledge that comes with experience in working with the pendulum is learning to sometimes start with broad questions, and then narrow them down.


The pendulum can be used to analyze what is going on in the human body. Each person subconsciously knows everything that is going on inside his body. This includes not only the physical things that are going on in the body, but also the mental, emotional and spiritual things. He knows what vitamins he is deficient in, what diseases he has, and why he has those diseases. He knows whether a product he is holding in his hand is toxic, allergenic, or useful and beneficial. He knows why he feels afraid under certain circumstances, and he knows what he needs to work on in order to grow spiritually. All this subconscious information can be made available to the conscious mind by learning to tune in to it with the aid of the pendulum.

Determining the “yes” and “no” Response

Before using a particular pendulum for the first time, hold it in the appropriate position, and ask, either aloud or mentally, “Pendulum, please show me YES”. Give the pendulum time to respond and observe the direction of the swing as it responds. If the swing is modest at first, don’t be concerned, because it takes a while for a particular pendulum to begin to vibrate with you. After you have determined the YES response, ask the pendulum to show you the NO response in the same manner. Check the YES/NO response in this way, the first few times you do a session with the pendulum. This is necessary because different pendulums can give their YES and NO responses by swinging in different directions. Also, if at any time you feel you are not getting accurate responses, even after using the pendulum for a while, check the YES/NO response again. It is a good idea to check the YES/NO response periodically because it can change as you change and grow. It can also change if you let other people handle your pendulum.

Appropriate Types of Questions to Ask

It is appropriate to ask a pendulum about things that are within your control, about situations where you have the right to make a choice, or about things your subconscious already has access to. For example, it is appropriate to ask whether it would be good for you to marry a particular person, but it not appropriate for you to ask whether he is going to ask you to marry him, because that is not your right to choose. In the same way, it is not appropriate to ask if you are going to meet your prince charming today, because that is not within your control. However, it is appropriate to try to divine other people’s motivations or who they are inside, because you already know this at a subconscious level anyway. For example, it is appropriate to ask “Can I trust him? Does he want me for a friend, or only for what I can give him?”

Pendulum Reading 101

    A pendulum is a very potent and reliable tool for connecting to a higher guidance and getting right answers to any question. Although it only takes a few minutes to learn how to use a pendulum, it can take a bit of practice to master the art of pendulum dowsing for maximum pendulum reliability.


A pendulum is – in this case – a small weight on the end of 6 – 10 inch piece of thread, string, twine, or chain.


Thought moves the pendulum. Thought directs the subconscious as to the direction in which the pendulum is to move. The subconscious uses the brain to send signals along the neurological pathways that control the muscle “twitches” that move the pendulum in the desired direction.


To gain information from:

1) Your Subconscious Mind.

2) Your body and cells of your body.

3) Your Higher Self (the intuitive spiritual part of your spirit).

4) Other Spirits.

 Spirit answers through the subconscious. This is why it is important to be clear of unconscious subconscious blocks to spirit communication. If your subconscious was trained (usually this happens in childhood) to fear spirits, or not to see or hear spirits, or that spirits do not exist, your subconscious will block spirit communication. When you ask for spirit communication and you have a subconscious block to this, your subconscious will supply the answers and/or visions you receive and it will attempt to please you by bringing you what you want to see and hear. Until you know if you have such blocks (information you can gain through the pendulum) and have done the work of clearing these blocks from the subconscious (not the conscious) mind communicate only with your own Higher Self. If information is needed from other spirit levels, your Higher Self will ask for this and will then give that information to you.


Anywhere from accurate to completely inaccurate. The proper use of a pendulum, given below, can greatly enhance accuracy. Nevertheless, you will soon notice you can look at your pendulum and think which way you want it to move and it will move in that direction. The challenge of using a pendulum is to clear your mind completely of any conscious and unconscious thoughts about which directions the pendulum will move and which direction you want it to move. This is easier to do in some areas than in others. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to do when you are emotionally invested in something. Which is why you do not want to rely on the use of a pendulum to make decisions that affect your ego or your emotions. Use the pendulum as one of several tools for gathering information from which you can make well informed choices.


Many health food stores, metaphysical book shops, psychic fairs, crystal shops sell pendulums as do many massage centers.


Use a piece of thread, string, thin rope or chain of about 6 – 8 inches and loop it through or tie to one end a ring, pendent, metal washer, crystal, wood – anything that makes a weight. (Do not use magnets or magnetized objects.)


    • Take a piece of paper. Draw a circle on it. Draw a vertical straight line down the middle of the circle. Draw a horizontal across the middle of the circle. You will now have a big cross in the middle of the circle. Now draw a big X in the circle by drawing a two diagonal straight lines. Your circle will look like this:

  • Sit down. Breathe in and out slowly. EVERY TIME before you use a pendulum mentally imagine yourself surrounded with a gold and white protective light. Now mentally imagine the light of your spirit flowing in through the top of your head (crown chakra) to your third eye. Mentally image this white light flowing to a mental image or thought in your mind of the planet earth – surrounding and filling it. This will increase your own spiritual and physical energy. Now mentally image the white light of your spirit filling your brain and your body. Now tap a 3 inch circle around your thymus – counter clock wise. (The thymus is about an inch and a half below the hollow between your collar bones on your chest. Start tapping at 12:00, just above the thymus. Then tap 11:00, 10:00, 9:00 and so on to make about a 3 inch circle around the thymus. This circle is the clock and you are tapping counter clock wise.) Tapping your thymus in this manner balances the meridian energy flows of your body. This is important in any kind of muscle response testing, which is what you are using when using a pendulum.
  • The next five steps you will only need to do once. Their purpose is to establish the directions for your muscle testing response: Place your feet on the floor and place the paper on the floor between your feet. Rest the lower arm of the hand that is holding the pendulum along your thigh. Hold the end of the string/thread/rope or chain between your thumb and a finger. It does not matter which hand you use or which thumb or which finger or even if you use two fingers instead of a thumb. Let the pendulum dangle down between your knees so that the weight at the end of the string is dangling above the center point of the circle (where the lines intersect).
  1. Say aloud: “Show me the ‘yes’ signal.” (You are talking to your subconscious.) Note the direction the pendulum moves. Clock-wise around the circle? Counter Clock-wise around the circle? Side to side? Up and down? Diagonally? (If the pendulum does not move immediately, continue to say “Yes”, “Yes”, “Yes” aloud until it does. This could happen quickly, or it may take awhile. If it has not happened after 10 minutes, move on to the “no” directions below or try this again later. Once the pendulum is moving in a definite direction for “yes” state aloud: “This direction is my ‘yes’ signal.”
  2. Say aloud: “Show me the ‘no’ signal.” (You are talking to your subconscious.) As with the ‘yes’ signal, note the direction the pendulum moves. (If the pendulum does not move immediately, continue to say “no”, “no”, “no” aloud until it does.) Then say aloud “This is my ‘no’ signal.”
  3. Repeat these steps to find these directional signals: “kind of”, “don’t know”, “can’t say”, “ask later.”
  4. Now make several simple statements (one at a time) to which you know the answers. Such as: My name is ____. I live at __________. I am _______ years old. My hair color is ______. My eye color is _____. This is for practice and to make certain your signals are working properly.
  5. Once you are certain of the directions for each response, mark these down on the paper with the circle so that you remember them. You can use the circle graph each time you use the pendulum until you are familiar with the responses. When this happens you will no longer need to use it. You can then hold the pendulum in any way you want, as long as you keep the arm and hand steady.

How To Prepare For A Pendulum Reading

Prepare yourself before each pendulum session

  1. Always cite the source before asking questions. You can say (either out loud or silently) “I call upon the higher self to answer these questions. I will only accept answers from the higher self and not from my conscious mind. I seek absolutely truthful answers that are aligned with the highest and greatest good for all concerned.” You can definitely craft your own version of this – just make sure you use it each time.
  2. Cleanse the energy around and within you. Do this by visualizing a cleansing shower of white light that envelopes you.
  3. Quiet your mind (both before and while using your pendulum). Are you relaxed? If necessary, do a mini-meditation. “Mini” as in 30 to 60 seconds prior to beginning. Visualize a calm happy place that has no distractions – like a beach or forest. Visualize yourself sitting or laying peacefully in solitude, enjoying nature. Doing this sets the tone for your pendulum session and will provide a resting place for your conscious mind while you use your pendulum.
  4. Breathe. Slow steady breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth will calm and center you.
  5. Ground yourself. Visualize tree roots that connect your body to the earth. Allow these roots to penetrate deep into the earth’s mantle, wrapping around large quartz crystals or if you like, beautiful gemstones.
  6. Be present – Do not try to multi-task. While you are using your pendulum, don’t also be thinking about what’s on your to-do list, or what sounds good for dinner tonight. Just focus on the task at hand and you can return to your normal state of multi-tasking when you are finished.
  7. Be patient – allow the pendulum as much time as it needs to swing.
  8. Be objective. Recognize that neutrality is your friend. While it may be tempting to allow your conscious mind to influence the pendulum’s answers, know that if it is allowed to exercise any influence, the outcome will be useless.
  9. Be unemotional. Using your pendulum when you are emotionally upset will yield unreliable results. Asking emotionally charged questions can make it difficult to stay grounded and objective and get good answers. You can do it, but you have to approach it calmly and be willing to set your emotional responses off to the side.
  10. Don’t try to predict the outcome. Willingly or unwillingly, predicting or just anticipating the pendulum’s swing will sabotage your results. If you find yourself predicting or even if you’re unwillingly anticipating the outcome – it’s the same thing as trying to predict. Here’s a powerful trick: Close your eyes and look up. This little muscle exercise will temporarily short-circuit the conscious mind’s involvement and bring you back to a neutral, unbiased state.
  11. To get a stronger response, say “respond louder please”or “be more clear”.
  12. Cup your free hand underneath the weight stone to help focus energy.

Asking Well-Phrased Questions

You’ve heard the phrase “Garbage in – garbage out”? It’s a computerism used to illustrate the value of data on both sides of a process, and it pertains to pendulums too. The quality of the questions you ask your pendulum will determine the quality of the answers you get. Truly, it’s all in the language. Here’s how to frame a good question:

  1. Be specific. Use names, dates, times, places, anything that narrows the focus on the matter. For example “Is it in my best interest to attend the “How to Use a Pendulum” workshop taught by __________ (instructor name) at ______________ (location) on__________ (date) at _________ (time)?
  2. Make sure your question can be answered with yes or no.
  3. Don’t use the words “Should” or “Supposed to” in your pendulum questions.
  4. Do use phrases that your higher self can relate to. Insert your own details into the blanks on the following sample questions:
  • Is it in my best interest to _______________________________?
  • Is it in the best interests of all concerned if I _________________________?
  • Would it be worthwhile for me to ____________________________?
  • Am I correct in believing that ______________________________?
  • Is it wise for me to _________________________________?

Here’s an example of a poorly phrased question: “Should I go to Mary’s party?” These are the problems with this question:

  1. The word “Should” is vague and asks for an opinion based on undefined parameters.
  2. Mary who?
  3. Where is this party?
  4. What day?
  5. What time?

The Use Of Pendulum

You might already see it in plenty of movies where the hypnotist asks his subject to stare at a small object hanging from a string. “You are getting sleepy,” he intones as the eyes of this person follow the pendulum’s trajectory back and forth. Soon the helpless subject is under hypnosis.

Despite the movie-house era stereotypes, pendulum readings are becoming one of the most popular forms of psychic readings today. They require a few simple objects and must be operated with consistency.

A pendulum is simply a small weighted object hanging from a string or wire. The object may or may not have significance to you. It could be a nut or bolt you find on the sidewalk. It could be a diamond ring passed down to you from your great-grandmother.

A small object no larger than an inch in diameter is perfect. Attach a string to this object. The string should be about a foot long and thin but strong; a wire or fishing line is great. The goal of the string is to be as invisible as possible with no chance of breaking.

Once you have assembled your pendulum, practice the art of establishing its motion. The pendulum should swing across the field of your vision. It should never go out of sight. Hanging at arm’s length from your face, rock the pendulum back and forth a few times until you find a way for it to arc from side to side at a slow steady pace.

Once you have established a steady swinging movement, the next step is to visually focus on the space of the pendulum. The rhythm of your conscious mind following that object in space repeatedly lets you slowly release the tensions and distractions of daily life.

The goal of the pendulum is to stoke your intuition. Through intuitive awakening, your psychic senses become sharper and more accurate. It is a simple process of being absorbed by the constant motion until the repetitive rhythm has so relaxed your mind that the future unfolds like a complex puzzle solving itself.

The five most common Pendulum Rituals:


Performing a pendulum ritual while on vacation is a fantastic way to maximize the psychic potency of an ordinary pendulum reading. When we are away, it is much easier to remain alone and undistracted in a quiet and relaxing space, be it in your hotel room or on the beach. Plan ahead and book a hotel that advertises itself as a peaceful retreat or is known for its seclusion.

Try the vacation pendulum reading a few times a day. This ritual is better for awakening psychic sensitivity than for resolving a specific question. You are more likely to have psychic revelations after doing this ritual and will increasingly become more prone to having them.


If you can organize your day as such, performing a pendulum reading daily at exactly the same time and in the same place is a powerful ritual. This ritual allows for investigations of a pressing question. If you can perform the ritual daily in a disciplined adherence to the timing, you will find quick and clear answers arise when you fixate on specific, focused questions at the beginning of the ritual.

During a Phone Reading

Perform the ritual if you are having a difficult time concentrating on a psychic reading you are receiving via the phone or internet. As you concentrate on the pendulum, the words of your psychic reading will penetrate deeper. The pendulum’s visual preoccupation creates a space of intense concentration. The clarity of your psychic’s message will astound you after trying this a few times.


Before technology allowed for psychic readings over the phone and internet, the norm was to have one’s psychic hold the pendulum as you worked to reach a point of clarity and reception. This is still popular and gets great results. A psychic knows how to instantly access the power of the pendulum. You can just relax and focus on your question while your advisor enters a meditative state.


As you get familiar with the weight and physical presence of your pendulum, you may tire of holding it in your hand. The value of hand-held pendulum readings is that they can rarely go on for more than ten minutes. Your arm naturally tires and breaks the rhythm of the pendulum.

Fatigue is a good thing in this context because it allows you to have a finite amount of psychic space, drawing a boundary. Limiting your psychic space allows you to gain clarity and then move on to the next thing.

Once you have established a regular Pendulum reading, mounting your pendulum on a doorway or a mantle, will allow you longer, deeper attempts at expanding that psychic space you have established. But be aware that the longer you stay with the pendulum, the more likely your reading will suffer from the cloudiness of fatigue.

Swing it, Baby

A pendulum reading makes you more open to a psychic reading and is great for enhancing your psychic powers within the unfolding of your own personal narrative.

Use of Pendulum 101

People are finding different ways to connect to the spirits and one of which is through Pendulum.  Pendulums can be made of different materials, some people using a simple necklace with a crystal or charm at the end. Be sure the bob or bobber – or weight on the end – is not too light or too heavy. It should weigh less than half an ounce. The best shape for the weight – or point – is something that comes to a point. The best length for the pendulum is six inches. You can make your pendulum or buy one.

Pendulums are a simple way to communicate with the other side. I have seen people in stores use them to select products such as: books, food, clothing, just about anything.

The most common types of pendulums are:

– a crystal tied with wire then suspended on a chain or cord
– a chain necklace with some kind of charm suspended at the bottom
– a chain with metal pointer at the bottom – these are usual store bought
– the human body

peHow To Use A Pendulum
Once you select your pendulum you are ready to begin.

Sit down and get comfortable. Your mind and body should feel relaxed with no stress.

You can rest your elbow on a table in front of you allow the pendulum to swing free, or you can hold your arm in a horizontal position, again allowing your pendulum to swing freely.

You do not have to be psychic to use a pendulum. It will guide itself. It is moved by either your thoughts or someone in spirit who works through you, generally your spirit guide.

The first step is to get the feel of the pendulum and how it will move for you.

pendulumarc2Pendulums movements:

– straight line – side to side or front and back
– circles – clockwise or counterclockwise
– elliptical motion
– some pendulums bob up and down to indicate strong action, usually affirmative

Most questions asked when using a pendulum have Yes or No answers. You must determine the direction your pendulum will take for Yes and for No.

Hold the pendulum in your hand. With the other hand – touch the point/bobber to steady its motion.

Keep your eyes on the point.

Now address the pendulum and say, “Show me ‘Yes’.” It will soon swing in one direction, which could be side to side, back and forth, or circles.

Now say, “Show me No.” It should swing in the opposite direction.

Be certain the pendulum is not being guided by the movement of your hand or fingers.

Once you have determine the pattern for Yes and No – you are ready to begin.

There are times that the answer is unknown – or the spirit needs more information. At that time – the pendulum will generally swing diagonally or not at all.

The faster the movement – the stronger the energies.

Sometimes a pendulum will appear to bob or dance up and down. This is usually an affirmative response. the point is sometimes called a bobber.

There are generally no rituals involve with pendulum use, though some people hold their pendulum in the palm of their hand before they begin, to ‘charge’ it.

When you ask your questions you may want to record the answers.

Now you are ready to begin to ask your questions.

Start with something simple such as, “Is it sunny today?” “Is it Monday?” “Are you here to answer my questions?”

Once you get the ‘swing’ of it – you can move on to personal questions.

Remember to only ask a question ONCE. If you want more information – you might want to use a chart. At this time the pendulum should be about two inches above the chart – or as is comfortable.

If the motion of your pendulum increases – or the circles get large – the energy is increasing and you can expect change linked to the question you were asking. Pursue further questions to get additional information.

So, you can get accurate responses. In time and with practice, you can improve your dowsing accuracy and increase pendulum reliability in every area of interest.

Ghosts: Myths vs. Facts

What is a ghost?

This is a deceptively awkward question! The answer you get will completely depend on whom you ask. The “ghost” is one of the most popular concepts of the paranormal (beyond normal). Yet, there is not one agreed-upon definition across disciplines of what a ghost is since one has never actually been caught and examined. image-ghost-2

Facts about ghosts:

  • No ghost has ever been confirmed caught and/or examined by anyone or anything. Therefore, we can’t determine its actual characteristics with any amount of certainty.
  • There is no scientific conclusion that any other realm exists for our “being” to pass to after death.
  • There is no evidence that “energy” remains or can be contained in a human-looking entity after the body is dead.
  • Paranormal investigations are rarely supported by good historical evidence and scholarship. Techniques of investigation are amateurish and tend to support a prior belief instead of discovering verifiable and verified information.
  • No equipment has ever been shown to actually detect ghosts. Not even “ghost detectors”. Ghosts used to be described as full apparitions, not mists or orbs streaks of light. Modern ghost pictures are obscure; a full body apparition has never been verified on film though many hoaxes of them have been publicized by the media. Hoaxing must always be considered for ghost “evidence” because it is tremendously prevalent.

Why do people still believe that ghost does exist?

ghost-image-3The evidence for ghosts is so very weak, but people still believe in them. This belief is an ancient part of human cultures across the world. Why?

The idea of ghosts offers many people comfort; who doesn’t want to believe that our beloved but deceased family members aren’t looking out for us, or with us in our times of need? Ghosts served an important literary purpose and were useful in storytelling. Some of these stories were believed to be accurate even though they were made up. Most people believe in ghosts because of personal experience, they have seen or sensed some unexplained presence. Our culture allows us the option of interpreting these strange events as “ghosts”.

How can we explain ghostly experiences?

Believing in ghosts is not ridiculous. It’s a common human idea. When our senses and our brains mess with our perceptions, we may be justified in believing in paranormal experiences. Most people do not comprehend that our senses can and will fool us all the time. We see, hear, smell and feel things that are not really there, thanks to our brains.

When we are bombarded with media messages about ghosts, presented as if factual, it is easy to buy into the belief especially when it is culturally acceptable to do so.

There are many circumstances where people may perceive they have experienced a ghost. Natural conditions that may in some cases cause people to feel uneasy include exposure to infrasound, darkness, silence, closed in spaces, or high electromagnetic fields. But the most important factor seems to be prior belief in ghosts and expectation that they are present. This is why haunted places enhance their reputation as much as they can. The more they tell you others experienced paranormal phenomena there, the more likely that you will attribute every anomaly to the paranormal and not seek out the actual explanation.imageghost1

These questions may help in determining whether a situation can be considered ghostly or not:

  • Why do ghosts wear clothes? If ghosts are human souls, why do they appear clothed with inanimate objects like hats and canes. Why do ghost trains, cars and carriages exist who have no life energy?
  • How can a limbless, immaterial spirit move objects, slam doors or make footstep sounds?
  • How can an entity without organs and vocal chords produce speech or screams? How can voices we can’t hear be recorded on a device?
  • Why don’t paranormal groups collaborate and show that they can get the same evidence, independently and blinded, on multiple occasions?
  • Humans can detect quantum particles with extremely sensitive instrumentation. Why can’t we yet detect ghosts?
  • If a place is really, really haunted, why haven’t scientists been able to set up shop there and finally capture genuine paranormal phenomena?





Choosing A Dowsing Pendulum To Work With

Pendulum dowsing, also called “divining” is the ability to provide information and predict the future. The term is Dowsing Pendulumoften used to refer to the search for specific targets, while the term “pendulum divining” is most often used in reference to seeking precise information.  To explain it better, just as radios pick up information from unseen radio waves, the pendulum is likened to a powerful antenna that receives information from the vibrations and energy waves emitted by people, places, thoughts and things. Albert Einstein, a noted physicist, was known to perform impressive feats with such dowsing tools.

A pendulum can be made from metal, wood, or crystal stones, will each have different properties.  You will choose a dowsing pendulum that is right for you by finding one that appeals to your sense of color, size, and shape.

Your selection of a  pendulum can also be based on balance, form, color, or the properties of the stone if you are looking at crystals. If you choose a crystal pendulum, each stone has different properties and you can choose based on what each stone offers. A wood pendulum has a smooth, solid, earthy feel to it. A metal pendulum also has a smooth feel, but is heavier in weight and gives a sense of balance.

Dowsing Pendulum with chainYou first either need to purchase a pendulum or make your own. It is recommend for a beginner to purchase a pendulum instead of making one.  Each pendulum has a chain about ten inches long attached to it and has a small counter weight or crystal at the other end. There are many places online that you can buy a dowsing pendulum, or if you have a local metaphysical bookstore, you can buy one there as well.

There is no specific type of pendulum that necessarily works better than another.  It would all come down to personal taste and finding one that resonates with you. For a beginner, try to find one that seems more responsive to your energies. You can either purchase one based strictly on its vibration and how you feel when looking at it, or you can test out a variety and see which one feels better in your hand and is the most responsive to a few basic yes/no question.

Most dowsing pendulums range from about $15.00 to $50.00, with most of them being around $20.00 to $30.00. For a fairly low investment and perhaps a book on dowsing, you can start connecting to your higher self.

Care for your dowsing pendulum is no light matter.  This is an item that gets attuned to your specific energy, so please don’t share your pendulum with a friend or family member. If they are also interested in learning how to dowse, it would make a wonderful gift idea, but do not share yours.
Dowsing Pendulum with a box
Find a spot to store your pendulum. A lot of those sold from shops and online stores come with a storage pouch, however it would also be a good idea to find a special sturdy box to put it in when not in use.  Keep it in a safe place.  One that is out of the way where others won’t accidentally come upon it and touch it, as others can transfer their energy to the pendulum, thus muddying your answers and not giving you accurate information.  Your pendulum gets attuned to you and you to it, that is very private and your pendulum should be treated as such.

Increase Your Pendulum Power With These 4 Tips

pendulumIt is very important for a light worker to keep our personal energy field free of negative vibes.   Having a spiritual routine which would most likely incorporates daily meditation and journaling for emotional outlet, and and participating in workshops and healing courses are all good practices and certainly will point you to the right direction.

However, should one of your chakras not be in optimum drive, you aren’t functioning properly.  It might not be news you want to hear but it is important as an an energy healer and spiritual teacher to find any negative energy lurking in your chakras.  Once identified, you can let it out and replace it with positive energy.

Finding and identifying the blockages or imbalances in your chakras is the first step to being able to treat them, and this is where pendulums can prove to be incredibly helpful tools for energy healing. You can use a pendulum on a partner to check their chakras with their pen

A free and clear chakra will spin gently in the right direction, which should be reflected in the movement of the pendulum.  Like any skill, patience and practice are key components to success with a pendulum, but here are four additional tips to start you off on the right foot.

  1. Choose the right type of pendulum.

Technically, a pendulum can be any weighted object that is attached to a cord or string and can freely swing in all amethyst crystal pendulumdirections when held from a fixed point. But for examining energy flow through chakras, I highly recommend a conical-shaped pendulum made of beech wood. Choose wood, rather than metal, stone, or crystal, because it is safer. Crystal pendulums can actually cut a chakra, and that is not what we want!

  1. Let the pendulum absorb your energy.

When you receive your pendulum, keep it close to you, preferably on your person, for several days before using it. Carry it around in your pocket during the day and sleep near it at night, and feel free to handle it if you’d like. This will allow the pendulum to soar.

  1. Bless your pendulum before each use.  

The location of the chakras on the human body, vector image

You have your own energy signature, and since the pendulum works by amplifying energy, the better attuned to your unique vibrations it is, the better and more accurate your results.

Every aspect of energy healing comes from Source, from the universal field, and acknowledging that before attempting readings is a good way to stay humble and keep ego—a roadblock to energy healing—in check. Then, bless your pendulum by communicating with your spirit guides, angels, and higher self to request that they help the pendulum’s movements stay true. How the pendulum moves will illuminate the state of each chakra, so you want to ensure that there is some guidance from beyond the physical plane. Remain open to their assistance and available to their influence.

  1. Test your pendulum before reading chakras.

Try a test run before you attempt to use your pendulum to check chakras. Hold the cord and let the pendulum hang down, keeping your arm and hand still. Ask a question to which you know the answer is “yes.”  Watch for which way the pendulum moves—this is your pendulum’s signal for yes. Repeat the process with a question to which you know the answer is “no.” This test run will give you a baseline for yes and no responses that you can then use to ask questions that you do not consciously know the answer to, but your unconscious does. It’s like a magic eight ball that’s tuned in to a deeper part of you, and will make the results of your chakra test stronger.

Utilize these tips to bring your spiritual tool to optimum performance.  Also, even in this field, the saying practice makes perfect applies. With more and more practice, you become better at interpreting the pendulum’s messages, and simultaneously increasing your intuition.  Eventually, you will not need the pendulum to read chakras.

Chakra healing