Picking the Right Pendulum

Picking the Right Pendulum

It is very important to choose a pendulum that allows you to focus on the energies connected with it. If you want to use your pendulum to connect with dreams, spiritual guides, your intuition, and more, you need to pick the pendulum that works best for this. You can decide in your heart which pendulum you want to use.

Choosing a pendulum that fits with your energy is easy. You have to focus on the pendulum that feels right when you look at it and hold it. If one draws you in, that is the pendulum that you should choose. The one that you put your eyes on and feel a pull in your heart is the one that is calling you.

Certain gemstones will be appropriate for your work, but the first step is to use your inner wisdom to guide you in choosing a pendulum.

Setting Intentions

Besides just choosing a pendulum for the stones, there are personal intentions that you should set, and this should help you to decide which pendulum you want. Here are some good examples:

  • Grounding Pendulums
    • Agate.
    • Smokey Quartz.
    • Petrified wood.
    • Agatized wood.
    • Hematite.
  • Balancing Pendulums
    • Smokey Quartz.
    • Clear Quartz.
    • Rose Quartz.
  • To Clear Energies
    • Black Tourmaline.
    • Black Onyx.
    • Hematite.
    • Clear Quartz.
    • Pyrite.
  • To Bring About Changes
    • Agatized wood.
    • Petrified wood.
    • Wooden Agate.
  • Manifestation
    • Aventurine.
    • Pyrite.
    • Amazonite.
  • Peace
    • Rose Quartz.
    • Clear Quartz.
    • Smokey Quartz.
  • Protection
    • White Jade.
    • Black Onyx.
  • Grief
    • Amethyst.
    • Black Onyx.
    • Rose Quartz.
    • Lepidolite.
  • Energizing
    • Amethyst.
    • Carnelian.
    • Clear Quartz.
  • To Make Good Decisions
    • Fluorite.
    • Black Onyx.
    • Pyrite.
    • Labradorite.
    • Amethyst.
  • Spiritual Guidance
    • Labradorite.
    • Amethyst.
    • Prehnite.
  • Developing Intuition
    • Labradorite.
    • Prehnite.
    • Amethyst.
  • To Be Confident
    • Prehnite.
    • Carnelian.
    • Sunstone.
    • Aventurine.
    • Black Onyx.
  • Self-Care
    • Rose Quartz.
    • Amazonite.
    • Citrine.
  • Love
    • Morganite.
    • Rose Quartz.
    • Garnet.

The stones have different properties, but they all support the other chakras in the body. You should cleanse these stones before using them so the pendulum will work at its best.

Black Onyx is a good stone for centered and protected people. It can help you get rid of grief and manifest money in your life. It is also a great stone if you need to increase your intuition and get guidance. It is a protective stone that will help you stay safe.

When you use the pendulum, make sure that you set your intentions for what you need. Focus on the pendulum and decide what intentions help you to feel stronger and more relaxed. The pendulum will work with your energy field and your heart to help you get what you need.

Final Thoughts

There is no wrong way to choose a pendulum, but you should choose one that fits your intuition and guide your heart. Let the energy that comes with your pendulum increase and bring you love and peace. Choose one that you will love to use and one that will stay close to you so you can be happy each time you work with it.


  1. Setting personal intentions with the pendulum seems like a good practice. It makes the process feel more personal.


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