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Using a Pendulum Safely


A pendulum is there to help you to get answers. It has a charm, or something weighted on the end and is hung by a cord or a string and is made to move back and forth or side to side to give answers.

You can use anything to make a pendulum but you need to make sure that you have a weight on the end. Some of the most known are wire cords with a stone, wood or a metal chain.

Pendulums can connect with the spiritual world and they are used to answer yes and no questions. When it swings front to back, this should indicate a yes answer and side to side a no answer.

Connecting with the Spirit World

Here are ways that you can use your pendulum to connect with the spiritual world:

  • Find the pendulum that you feel connected to.
  • Hold it in your thumb and forefinger with the hand you use to write.
  • Ask your spirit guides to come to you.
  • Deep breathe.
  • Ask your guides to swing the pendulum and answer yes.
  • Ask your guides to swing the pendulum and answer no.
  • Ask the pendulum to go to a still place.
  • Ask the question that you want the answer to.
  • Wherever the pendulum swings, give this as your answer.

You should be looking for a strong swing and don’t keep asking the same question over and over again to get the answer that you want. If your swing is weak, you can ask your question again so that you aren’t confused.

If you aren’t getting an answer from the spiritual world then it means that the answer isn’t there yet and you need to try another time. Don’t keep asking the same question over and over if you aren’t getting an answer.

Sometimes you might have to rephrase your question and then you can get the best answer. Make sure that the pendulum has a real and full swing. Communicating with the spiritual world requires energy from the spirits and as the objects move, this has a meaning.

The pendulum will work best in places where the spiritual world is charged. If you have meditated before you ask your pendulum things, this might give you the answers easier than if you just start out of nowhere.

How to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides

You can use your higher self in order to communicate with the spiritual world. You can ask your higher self to answer your energies and to give you answers. You can also ask your spirit guides and your angels to move the pendulum for you.

If you have a loved one that has died and they are trying to reach you, you can ask them to move the pendulum for you to give you answers.

Overusing a Pendulum

A pendulum can be used overly, and it might need to rest. It will be full of energy, and you need to let it dry out so that it can be strong. You might even need to replace your pendulum after a couple of years.

Should You Use the Pendulum to Connect with the Spirit World?

You can use your pendulum to connect with the spirit world because it helps to move on strong vibrations. If you like working with this tool, try different ones and see if you are able to connect differently with each pendulum that you use.

Can You Use a Pendulum Too Much?


People wonder if you can use a pendulum too much and the answer is that this is a possible thing. This does depend on who you are and what your pendulum is doing for you. The relationship with your pendulum is going to be different than anyone else’s relationship and this will depend on the kind of work that you do with it.

Why Question This?

You need to figure out why you think that you might be overusing your pendulum. Sometimes when you use your pendulum or you keep it in your pocket or under your pillow, it might be exhausting to you and the pendulum. This could bring about dreams and cause you to not be able to sleep like you should be able to.

Even though this means they weren’t overusing the pendulum, they were keeping the pendulum to close to their being which was changing their energies. When this happens, you have to separate your energy from the pendulum and make sure that you have boundaries.

This might be something that you are going through, or you might be using the pendulum too much. You need to set boundaries and make sure that you are using your pendulum the way that you should.


The biggest thing to ask yourself is how much energies you are dealing with. If you are doing pendulum readings around the clock, then you might need to take a break from using it. If you feel exhausted or tired after a reading, chances are that you are using your pendulum too much. Take a break from it and give yourself space.

Type of Work

Another thing that you need to find out is what kind of work you are doing with your pendulum. Maybe you are asking your pendulum a lot of questions, or you are trying to reach your spirit guides. This too might exhaust you.

If your pendulum stops moving, this can be a big sign that you need to stop asking questions and you need to rest with the use of your pendulum for a while.

Some people will use their pendulum to help with projects and others will ask about fonts and other questions. The pendulum might not move when you ask questions and if so, you might need to rest for a while.

Your Pendulum

The truth is that all pendulums are different and some you can use day in and day out without any problems while others will cause your energy to be depleted. If your pendulum stops answering you or you are not getting the right movement, you need to stop using it for a while.

Sometimes pendulums are good to be around all day while others will wear out and need time to be reenergized. Check with your pendulum on what is going on. This can change each day and you might be able to use it for certain things on one day and the next it might not work for you.

If you are in a place that you want your pendulum to help you in public, you need to ask if you can keep it in your pocket and if it will help you. You have to understand that if the answer is no, don’t do it.

What Do You Feel?

What do you feel? This is a question that can help you to know if you are overusing your pendulum or not. It can be questions that you are asking or it can be the moment or even your own energy. If your energy isn’t working right, chances are that your own energy isn’t up to par.

Maybe you are awake one day and you are able to work harder with your pendulum and the next day you are tired.  You might be using your pendulum too much and you might be asking it too many questions. This is a problem, and you will need to give it a rest.

Final Thoughts

Pay attention to how you are using your pendulum and how its energies are affecting you. If you are using the pendulum in the right way and it still isn’t working right, take a break and try to pick it up another day.

Why Using a Pendulum Can Help You


A pendulum is a charm or something that hangs from a chain and moves around. Maybe you have held one in your hand before, but you aren’t really sure what it should feel like or more so what you should feel when you hold it.

As a psychic or someone that has used a pendulum before, you might find that holding a pendulum can make you feel empowered and excited. As the pendulum starts to swing, you can see that it is able to give you answers that you need. The experiences that you have are not able to be experienced in scientific ways but as you practice, you will see that you can experience something beyond expectation.

Finding Water

In the past, people have used a pendulum in order to find water. But, not only can you use it to find water, you can also use it to find out about the past, present and future of yourself and others. The term of using a pendulum is called dowsing. This means that someone is using a rod or a chain in order to find things such as water or answers.

In some areas, people want to be dowsers because they want to be able to find water so that they can know where to plant food and other things that are needed. Some people have used these ways to help them to find water and it has been an important part in some of the lives of people in certain areas.

Working a Pendulum

Using a pendulum means that you are using a charm, or something weighted that hangs from a chain. Then you ask a question, and the pendulum will move and give you an answer. You hold the pendulum from the top of the chain as the charm or the weight hangs down.

Once you ask your question and learn how the pendulum moves, you will see that you can simply find the answers that you need in our life.

Why Use a Pendulum?

Here are some thoughts behind using a pendulum:

  • Evil spirits might try to lead you down a certain path and you can use the pendulum to find out if they are evil spirits or good spirits.
  • The pendulum can help you to increase your intuition.
  • The energy that you use, and the pendulum can be peaceful and good and can help you get knowledge in the spiritual world.

If you are practicing dowsing, you will see that you can do this even if you don’t know a lot about it. You can increase your intuition and learn to listen to what the spiritual world is trying to show you.

Using a pendulum is something that can take practice and the more you do it the more you will be able to see the abilities and gifts that you have in your own life.

Choosing a Pendulum

You can choose a pendulum that you want to buy, you can make one or maybe someone has given you one. The pendulum that you have will help you with different things. If you want to find water, try to use a pendulum to do that.

Maybe you are using the pendulum to get answers or to figure out what direction your life is taking. It is important when you choose a pendulum of your own that you choose one that you feel a connection with.

When buying a pendulum, go to the store or the shop and look at all of the pendulums. If one attracts you, ask to hold it and see how it feels in your hand. You might feel an instant connection or you might have to keep looking until you find the right one.

How to Use a Pendulum

The pendulum can be used based on how you learned or how you feel. You might decide to try it different ways so that you can really get to know your pendulum.

When you want to know answers, you need to first listen to what your intuition is telling you. Figure out what kinds of questions you should ask and then pay attention to how the pendulum is reacting to your question.

If you don’t get the answers that you need right away, keep trying until you see that you are getting the information from the spiritual world that you need. The pendulum can help you find the answers that you don’t know.

You can ask your pendulum to show you what a yes answer is, or you can ask a question that you already know the answer to so that you can see which direction the pendulum moves to give you the yes answer. As you learn how your pendulum moves, you will need to find out the yes, no or maybe answer. This will guide you and increase your intuition as you learn more and more about the pendulum and even about your own gifts.

After you get the signs and the answers from your pendulum, you need to listen to your intuition and see if it matches with the answer that you got. You should be able to listen to your higher self and get the answers that you need with or without the pendulum.

Learn to trust yourself and to let your intuition guide you. As you use your pendulum you will become more open to the answers that you get.

Closed-ended Questions

Some people need more than a yes or no answer and you can still use the pendulum to help you. You can find charts that can guide you to know more about what the pendulum is trying to tell you.

Improving Your Pendulum Usage

The pendulum will help you to get answers and you will get better at it as you practice. As you use the pendulum, your life can change, and you can learn to know more and more about the world around you.

This is an art that you can master, and you can find out how the pendulum works for you. Be confident in your own personal gifts and let the pendulum improve your gifts as you get the answers that you seek.

Pendulum Use: What Not to Ask


The use of a pendulum is gaining popularity. Pendulums are a great tool to help you answer questions and there are many questions a pendulum can answer, but some are not appropriate for answers using a pendulum. The questions that should not be asked are shared and explained below. If you ask the wrong questions then you could be opening yourself up to biased responses, unethical practices, and even harmful energies, all of which should be avoided. There are really only three main topics to avoid asking your pendulum, though there some exceptions to the rules. To put it simply, avoid questions about other people, potential health issues, and the future.

Asking About Others

If you do not have someone else’s permission, asking about others is unethical. However, if you have permission this is fine. One example is that if you want to buy a tarot deck or some other tool, but know your own emotional connection will alter the pendulum, then ask a friend to use their pendulum for the question. Permission has been given, so this Is fine to do. Another exception is asking about messaging or meeting someone because it is about you.

You should never ask your pendulum about others without permission because this is just bad form. Asking something like, “Does ___________ really love me?” is unethical and you could face a loss of connection with your pendulum and spiritual ramifications. It is better just to ask the person for permission to use the pendulum. The pendulum that is used for this may just provide the answers you want or the opposite because you are too invested and cannot receive an unbiased answer.

Asking About Health

Asking about your health is about as accurate as asking Google for health advice. You will not likely be in a state to receive an unbiased answer, so go to a medical professional for a diagnosis. This is true for all tools, tarot, pendulums, and divination tools. The only exception would be to ask about something like food sensitivity, but not allergies. This is safe because you can do an at home test with an elimination diet with possible adverse, but not life threatening reactions.

Asking About the Future

It is not recommended that you ask for specific details about the future because life is always changing. Open ended questions are also confusing because just because you get an answer does not mean it is accurate. That said, you can do things like plan a trip using your pendulum if you offer concrete ideas. Ask questions like Is it optimal for me to go to _____________ on these dates? The specificity makes it a better and more unbiased reading. Even when asking properly about future events, ask your pendulum for permission to ask about the future first.

It is pretty simple, avoid these three areas and stay connected to your pendulum.

What Should You Ask Your Pendulum?

What Should You Ask Your Pendulum

When using a pendulum, you might wonder what you can and can’t ask it. You might wonder if you should just ask yes or no questions or if your questions should be more specific. The more accurate the answer is, the more accurate the question is. As you learn how to work your pendulum, you will learn how to use it when you do a reading.

Do you want to ask about your career or your relationship? Are you looking to find out what kind of job you would be good at or if you should move forward in your own business? Do you want to know what kind of activities you would enjoy?

When you are wanting to ask a pendulum a question, you need to make sure that your question is asked in a way that you can get a response. Instead of saying something like, “am I with the right person?” you can ask “will it make my life better if I stay with this person?” As you figure out how to ask your questions, the answers will be easier to get.

What to Ask

Here are some questions that you can ask your pendulum:

Job Questions

  • Should I be in the field that I am in?
  • Will I get more respect if I set boundaries at the job I am in?
  • Did college help me to get into the best career?
  • Is my company the best one for my own personal interests?
  • Will my hobby become profitable?
  • Should I ask for a raise?
  • Do I have enough experience to get a better job?
  • Is this company going to make me feel happy?
  • Will my job lead me to an unhappy life?

Love Questions

  • Is this person giving me the best life?
  • Are me and my partner on the same path?
  • Should I commit to my relationship?
  • Are we better as friends?
  • Is this a good time to get married?
  • Am I putting enough effort into my relationship?
  • Do I need more boundaries?

Other Questions

  • Should I ask my family to help me?
  • Will finding a partner for my new job be beneficial?
  • Should I tell my partner I don’t believe the same as they do?
  • Am I asking for too little money?
  • Is there something better waiting for me?
  • Do I expect too much from my partner?
  • Am I following my real calling?
  • Is now a good time to move?
  • Is now a good time to change jobs?
  • Should I change my career path at this time?
  • Is this a good time for me to make an investment?
  • Am I fearful of things in my life?
  • Do I feel anxious over nothing/
  • Should I learn to say no more?
  • Can I reduce my fear by being more open?

The best questions that you can ask a pendulum are questions that are related to the things that are happening in your life. If you want to make a decision about a job, relationship or even a move, asking your pendulum can help you.

When you have a question about your life, ask your pendulum to help you and see what kind of answers that you can get.

How to Use a Pendulum

How to Use a Pendulum

The pendulum is used for many different things. Some will use it for dowsing while others will use it in Feng Shi. When you are at home and you want to use dowsing, you can do this at home because your vibes in your home should be positive.

Using the Pendulum in Feng Shui

The word pendulum comes from the Latin word pendulous which means to hang down. This is a therapy that has been used for people for years to help to calm them and make them sleepy.

When you use a pendulum for Feng shui you can see that this can help to heal and to dowse. Some believe that the energy from the pendulum comes from the different crystals that are used to hang on the string.

The great thing about the pendulum is that it is supposed to get rid of negative energies that are in your home or in your room.

What Do You Use a Pendulum for?

Do you wonder what you can use a pendulum for? If so, you can know that there are many different stones that can be used in a pendulum that can be used for different things such as healing, communicating with the spirit world or getting rid of negative energies.

Stones in Feng Shui are often used to get rid of negative energies. These will help to raise your chi which is part of your yin and yang and to bring balance in your life.

When you look at the idea behind the pendulum you realize that this will swing and hang down in front of you. It has a point that is fixed, and it can help to clear your mind of things that are negative. There are ways you can use this pendulum.

The pendulum can swing back and forth, and it can be used to ask yes and no questions.

Using the Pendulum for Healing

Pendulums can be used to get rid of blockages in your chakras or in your body. You can use them in your home to get rid of negative energy. This tool can help to heal your body or your mind and can clear your chi of negativity. Here are some things you can do with the pendulum:

  • Balancing the chakras.
  • Grounding.
  • Clearing the aura from negative energy.
  • Getting rid of blockages.

When you use the pendulum to heal, you will need to let the stones and the pendulum choose you. There are many that you can find, hold them, and see which one you will feel the vibrations from.

Connecting with the Pendulum

People often know how a pendulum works but they don’t always know how to connect with one. You can find a pendulum and ask it questions.

The pendulum chooses you and you don’t choose it. You take a pendulum in your hand, and you find the one that is perfect for you by listening and feeling the energies that it gives you.

Using a Pendulum Stand

You can program the pendulum to do what you need it to do. You can hang it from a cord, or a necklace and you can hold it between your fingers. This should be at least 4 inches away.

The right way to hold a pendulum can change depending on what you are feeling. You can also use a pendulum stand that will not let it move up and down. Here is what you should do if you choose a stand:

  • Keep the pendulum clean.
  • Use a chart to keep it in the center.
  • Meditate at the end.
  • Meditate before asking questions.
  • Once you ask questions cleanse it again.

When you follow these rules, you will see that you can use the pendulum safely. Here are some other ways to use it:

  • Keep it cleansed first and foremost. Do this every time you use it.
  • Get your mind ready to ask questions.
  • Start with easy yes and no questions.
  • Once the pendulum begins to answer, make your questions more specific.
  • Keep your pendulum open to your questions and ask anything you want.

Pendulum and Love

You can use the amethyst pendulum if you want to use it for love. You can use this to help you figure out who you are meant to be with or if the person loves you.

An amethyst pendulum will help you to look in your heart and to stay calm and not to be anxious about things.

The pendulum will help you to find the perfect place where you can find love. Make sure to keep this cleansed when you use it.

Questions to Ask the Pendulum

There are many kinds of questions you can ask your pendulum such as:

Diet Questions:

  • Is this meal a good one for me to eat?
  • Am I eating healthy food?
  • When do I need to stop eating?
  • What supplement is good for me?
  • Should I fast?

Job Questions

  • Am I choosing the wrong job?
  • Should I change jobs?
  • Is my finances going to survive with this job?
  • Will I get a promotion?


You can use the pendulum for divination and dowsing. This is a tool that can give you information.

Let the user answer the questions with a cleansed aura. The pendulum will help you in ways such as:

  • Get rid of negative energies in the room.
  • Cleanse the chi.
  • Heal your mind, body, and soul.
  • Help you get rid of negative energy.

Pendulum Chart

The pendulum chart will help you to answer questions and calibrate the pendulum. You can do this by programming it by:

  • Holding it between your fingers in the center of the chart.
  • Calibrating it by using the chart.
  • Ask questions as it swings.
  • If the answer isn’t clear, hold it again.

Pendulum Board

A pendulum board can help to calibrate the pendulum to ask more detailed questions. With the pendulum board, you can hold the pendulum over the board, and it will give you yes and no answers.

Pendulum Swing

If you use a pendulum the first time you will get confused by how it swings and how it is answering your questions.

The pendulum will sometimes do weird movements and sometimes when someone asks questions on the same pendulum it will do different things.

Meanings of the swings:

  • Answered yes or no questions.
  • Question has to be asked fast.
  • Don’t ask questions that make no sense.
  • If you aren’t prepared to get an answer, don’t ask.
  • If the swing gets fast, it can mean someone is trying to contact you from the spirit world.

Holding the Pendulum

You need to make sure you are holding the pendulum correctly and here is how:

  • Keep yourself centered from negativity.
  • Connect with the pendulum.
  • Keep it 6 to 8 inches apart.
  • Ask specific questions.
  • Cleanse your pendulum.

Using Pendulum in Reiki

Here are some pendulum ideas in Reiki:

  • Use a different pendulum for healing.
  • Connect with yourself and your higher being.
  • Identify what is inside your heart.
  • Know the energy and see if anything is blocked.

Dowsing the Pendulum

Dowsing pendulum is a specific material that you use. The meaning of dowsing means that it works when connecting with the subconscious mind.

When you ask questions when dowsing, your unconscious mind will give you an answer.

You have to develop a connection with your pendulum to make it more connected to you.

Cleansing the Pendulum

You need to make sure that you cleanse your pendulum from negative energies. It is a procedure that helps you to activate the pendulum and here is how:

  • Smudging.
  • Cleansing with citrine.
  • Moonlight cleansing.

Pendulum Swings

The pendulum will answer yes and no questions. No means to swing side to side and yes back and forth.

Clockwise can mean yes and counterclockwise can mean no.

Finding Something with a Pendulum

You can ask your pendulum to help you find things and it will point you towards a path by the way it swings.

Using Everyday

You can use this as an everyday things such as movement, seeing gravity and more.

Telling the Truth

Do pendulums tell the truth? The way that the pendulum swings will help you to know the right answers to your questions.

How Long Does the Pendulum Swing?

You will see that the pendulum will swing for at least 2 seconds.


Pendulums are used as they swing, and you ask questions. They will give you answers to your questions. Pendulums are used for many things, and you can find one for you today.

Healing Your Energy After a Breakup

Healing Your Energy After a Breakup

Love is great when it is good but when love is bad, it can be so bad. Everyone has had ups and downs in relationships and many times have ended up with a broken heart. With healing and healing energy, you can find a way to move forward when you are heartbroken.

Mending a broken heart can be needed when you go through a breakup with someone that you have grown to love. When things get hard and the emotions are out of control, it can be hard to move on.

Using Healing Energy to Move On

Emotional pain is hard, and you have to face it in a way that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. If you want to go to an energy healer, you might find that this is the best thing that you can do for yourself.

Psychic and energy healers can use crystal therapy and other things to help your energy to be healed. Since energy is all around you, it is important to not underestimate it and its power.

Energy is in all of your space including your relationships. After you go to a psychic, you will see that they can help you to rebalance your energy, leaving you feeling healed and light.

If you have had to deal with the heartbreak on your own, it might have left you feeling disappointed and struggling.

Getting Over a Breakup with Healing Energy

The first thing that you have to do is to shut the door to the past relationships. Stop obsessing over what was and what should have been. Cut your energy cord with your ex and you can do this by imagining yourself cutting something or shutting the door.

If someone comes back, shut the door again and do it harder until it goes away.

Write a Letter

Take time to write a letter to your ex about how they made you feel and then burn it. Write down everything that you wanted to say, and you didn’t.

Write this letter to the person that broke your heart and hurt you. This will work for any kind of relationship and not just a partner.


Crystals are often used for healing and when you are drawn to a certain crystal, hold it for a while and see how it makes you feel.

Ask yourself what you are feeling and then know what to do next. If you are going through a hard breakup, try to hold the crystal quartz and see if it makes you feel better.

The crystal quartz has a soft vibration and can make you feel better along with the amethyst, moonstone and more. This can rebalance your energy and make you feel like your old self.

If the breakup keeps coming to your mind, use selenite under your pillow to give you peace and to help you to relax.


You can use carnelian when you are going through a breakup to give yourself more energy and power. This stone will boost your energy and help you to feel better and to be more motivated.

Believe in the Process

The last thing that you need to do is to believe in the process. Remember that the universe is there for you, and it is there to help you heal and to feel better. It wants you to be the best that you can be.

Believe in yourself and believe that your life is going to get better in time.

How to Use a Pendulum the Right Way


Psychics have different tools of divination that they use. Some will use tarot cards; others use crystals balls and there are many that use pendulums.

When you are working with a pendulum, you need to know that this is a tool that can give you answers. You can use this which is a weight on the end of a string or a chain. This can be made of things such as glass, metal, or other things.

This is not something that you need to make decisions in your life daily, but you should use it in different situations that you need to get a clearer answer on something you need to know. You can ask the pendulum questions about things in your life such as your relationships, health or even your career. The questions can be easy or hard.

Connecting with a Pendulum

When you look at a pendulum the best thing that you can do first is to connect with it. This is important with any kind of tools that you use. The pendulum can only give you yes or no answers and so make sure that you ask questions in a way that you can get a clear answer.

When you use the pendulum, it is not like flipping a coin, but you can hold on to the pendulum while it moves, and it can connect with you and the energy of the universe and give you answers. Sometimes though, the energy will come to you from a different day and that is what the pendulum will respond to.

In order to get your pendulum to work, you have to find one that works for you. There is no right or wrong way to pick a pendulum, but you need to make sure that you connect with it. Make sure that you pick which stone or what kind of hanging you want for your chain or string.

Using the Pendulum

Once you decide what pendulum to use, you need to make sure that you are focusing on your intuition. Using your intuition to pick a pendulum is the best way to do it.

Cleansing It

Cleanse your pendulum by putting it in the moonlight, burying it, running it under water or adding salt to it. You need to find out what kind of stone you are using before cleansing it because water ruins some stones.


Make sure that you have your questions to ask. When you are wanting clarity in something, have more than one question to ask. The pendulum might not always give you the answers that you are wanting and sometimes the pendulum will refuse to answer your questions. When this happens, the pendulum will not move but will stay still.

Know the Pendulum

You have to learn what a yes and no answer means with your pendulum. You need to take a moment and let your mind chatter leave and learn to quiet your mind.

You can do this by holding the pendulum and asking it to show you a yes. Once it moves then ask it to show you a no. Once you know how the movements go then you can do this when you ask your questions.


To get the pendulum to answer you correctly, you can start with what you know. Ask them questions that will let you get the answers that you already know so that you can see the movement of the pendulum.

Open Heart

Keep your heart and mind open. You can do this by meditating and once you are open you can receive things easier in your life. You can practice this each day until you are able to seek the answers and get the pendulum to move to tell you what you need to know.

How to Focus on Your Magic

Focus on Your Magic

People that are witches often get stuck feeling that they are not ever doing the right thing and they end up stuck in a state where they wonder if their craft is even good for them. The reason that many witches end up this way is because they have too many crafting options and no one is there to really guide them and lead them in what to do next.

There are ways that you can focus on your craft, and this will help you when you feel confused about what to do next and how to get unstuck.

Focusing Your Craft

How can you find the right focus when you are doing crafting? This seems like an impossible question because there are so many different kinds of magic to choose from and there is so much information. This doesn’t have to be hard and one of the things that often hold witches back from focusing on a certain craft is that they feel that once they focus on one kind of magic, they can’t go to other magics afterwards. This is completely wrong. Even if you choose to focus on one kind of magic for a while, even for a few months or longer, this doesn’t mean that when you decide to focus on something else that you can’t. Once you focus on something, that information stays with you and when you choose to go out and experience new things, you will keep that past focus with you, and you will be able to use it whenever you want to.

There is nothing at all wrong with changing the focus that you have in your magic when you want to. You have to know why you want to change your focus and make sure that you aren’t just avoiding something or that you aren’t just trying to learn too much at one time and going from one topic to another.

Someone that has ADHD or ADD might have a hard time picking one single thing and they will often want to focus on different subjects. These people are able to easily go from one subject to another because they are not able to really focus on one thing for a long time. If you are that way, it is okay if you go from one focus to the other as long as you feel that you are not losing in the process.

Here are some great ways to focus on your craft:


Cornerstone practice means that you take your craft, and you really learn it. It can be something from looking at the way the ancestors lived, to finding out more about the phases of the moon. There are many things that you can read, and it can help you to change through your magic.

You might find that you want to do something every week such as communicate with your ancestors. You should do this each week and you should also do things such as grounding and cleansing each week to help you be strong in your magic. Do this no matter what is going on in your life because this can help to build you.

Choose something that you can do at a certain time. Such as moon phase practice can be done daily, or you can choose to do it when the moon is full. You can do small rituals for this but as things get more complex, you can start doing them once a week instead of doing them once a day or a couple times a week.

The cornerstone hat you choose doesn’t matter, what matters is that you are living your best life and you are practicing things that will help you. You need to make sure that you are doing this kind of practice regularly so that you can keep your energies high.

Cornerstone practice is something that is different for each witch and there is no right or wrong way to do this in your life. Your cornerstone practice needs to be something easy such as talking to your ancestors each morning before you go to work and lighting a candle for them. This can also be something as simple as going outside to walk on the beach while you look at the moon. All of this can revolve around your life and is easy to focus on and practice.

Pick a Certain Way

It is not always easy to find something that works good for you. Some people that have to make a decision often get worried that they are not going to like the practice that they pick. They think that they are going to be stuck in it. They are afraid that what they choose is something that they will never be able to move forward from.

The truth is that you can go one way and then you can choose to go another way at a different time. When you decide that you don’t like something, change it, and do something different. If you focus on one kind of magic and you decide in a few months that it isn’t what you like, pick up another focus and try that. This doesn’t mean you are a bad witch.

The time that you have spent learning about that craft is going to help you as you move forward with what you learn. Whatever you learned will give you knowledge that you can take with you and use in other magic quests. You should never feel forced to stay in a certain crafting and you should never feel that you have to do a certain kind of magic if you don’t like it. If you are someone that has practiced and practiced but the magic still doesn’t seem to work for you, move to another kind of magic and practice that for a while to see how that works for you.

Never worry about doing the wrong thing because you are learning along the way. It is not a bad thing if you end up hating that kind of magic, just be flexible and give yourself a break.

Focus on Not Focusing

When you are new to being a witch, focusing on one kind of magic might not ever work well for you. As a beginner, there are so many things that you need to learn, and you want to make sure that you don’t get your growth stopped. You will see that having different options is important for you at first and can help you learn.

If you don’t want to pick a certain craft, focus on focusing on crafting. This means that you are learning as much as you can and you are picking up new techniques, traditions, books, websites, podcasts and more and you are learning all that you can learn. Spend time learning all the different kinds of magic that you can learn such as:

  • Sigil crafting
  • Divination
  • Planet magic
  • Ancestor work
  • Feri
  • Sex magic
  • Herbal magic
  • Plant magic
  • Spirit works

Find the magic that makes you excited and learn as much as you can about it. Find out about all the different kinds of magic that you can come up with and learn whatever you can learn. When you are in the first couple of years of witch crafting, you will never know what you will like until you try it out. Learn about what you have in front of you and what you can learn while you focus on just learning.

If you find something that makes you excited and you want to spend more time learning about that certain subject, focus on it for a while. Do not focus on just one direction because you feel forced because putting restrictions on yourself early on will just keep you in a box.

Be Curious

One of the best things about being a witch is that you can be curious, and this can help you. Figure out what make you excited and curious and ask a bunch of questions. What are you wanting to learn and practice and what kind of time can you give to your magic? Focus on what you love and not what you should choose. If you find something doesn’t hold your attention, move on from it and try something else.

What kinds of magic makes you excited? What kind of things do you want to know more about? What kind of magic do you find yourself more and more curious over? When you get to the point where you cannot get enough of one topic, go, and learn more about it. Learn as much as you can by reading, watching videos and more. You can ask all the questions that you need to ask and do as much research as is possible. Let your curiosity get the best of you.

Never Be Afraid of Change

Do not be afraid of changing what you are focused on. Accept that you haven’t found the right thing yet and move on. It is important that you want to focus on something that excites you and gets you moving. It is okay to change your focus and to move to something else. Even people that are in school will often change their majors to accommodate what they love.

If you are still trying to find something to focus on, give yourself a timeframe for each subject that you are studying. Once you do it for so long, move to the next thing. This will give you a chances to know more about things and find out which subjects you really love. You could take a whole year and plan it out so that you can cover a different magic each week or each month. This will give you a huge amount of time to learn about new things and to find out what intrigues you.

If you are new at crafting, you need to try to find out as much as you can about everything and not worry about focusing right now. Let yourself see all the different magic and do what you can to learn as much as you can. When you find something new, learn about it. Once you go a year doing this, you will see that you have learned so much core stuff that you can use in almost any of your magic.

If there are many different subjects that you want to know more about, take about a month for each subject and find out what you can during that time. One month you might want to learn about pendulums and the next you might want to know all you can about tarot cards. Take it month by month and keep your focus moving.

If you find a subject is not what you love and you are excited to be moving to something else, that is probably going to be the type of magic that you will not want to practice in the future. When you don’t want to move on because you love a certain subject so much, this will be a crafting that you will want to try later in life. Stay in that focus as long as you want.

You can use all of these skills to help you and you can make your life better. Focus on the things that make you excited and remember that there is no wrong or right way to do this. Every magic has a certain power, and you can reach your goals in as many ways as you want. There are thousands and thousands of different magics out there that you can learn.

The thing that matters the most is that you find the witchcraft that makes you excited and that you love. By doing this, you will find out what problems you need to face and what you can do to solve them, plus you can learn to find the crafting that fits you perfectly.

Using a Pendulum for Therapy

Pendulum for Therapy

There are many tools that psychics use and one of the tools are pendulums. A pendulum is a tool of divination that is an object that is on a string or a chain that can move back and forth and around. This is a tool that can be used for healing and other purposes.

What is a Pendulum?

A pendulum is something that can be made out of almost anything. This is often made of wood, crystals, stones, and things of different shapes. The bottom of the pendulum is a flat or blunt surface that is used to help you to come into meditation when you are using it. The pendulum can help to align your chakras and to help to calm your energy.

A pendulum can also be used for energy healing. Since the pendulum is a tool that psychics and other people use, it can help to get rid of blockages that are in your spiritual being.

There are different energy healings that you can get by using pendulums such as:

  • Aura healing.
  • Chakra cleansing.
  • Energy blocks.
  • Grounding.

The pendulum will help your mind, body, and soul to be healed by finding the blockages in your body. This is a tool of divination that can be used to heal you and to cleanse your body of any blockages that are hurting you or holding you back.

The pendulum can also be used to answer questions and to help you to use the energy around you to find the vibrations that you need to get answers.

Chakra Cleansing

When you use the pendulum for chakra cleansing, you start by putting the pendulum on each of the chakras. This will help you to know if there are any blockages in your chakras. You start at the top of your head where the crown chakra is and then work down.

The pendulum should be held a few inches above your chakras and the pendulum will move in a certain direction to show you where blockages are. There are many different pendulum charts online so that you can know what the movement of the chakras mean.

Finding the Perfect Pendulum

If you are trying to do pendulum healing, you need to find out how to pick a pendulum. The one rule of thumb is that the pendulum should choose you instead of you choosing it.

When you touch the different pendulums, note how your body reacts and what you feel and then if you feel a strong vibration or if the hair on your arms stands up, that can be a sign that you should choose that particular one.

Cleaning Your Pendulum

Since pendulums will pick up energies, you need to make sure that you keep your pendulum clean so that it can work correctly.

There are different ways that you can clean it such as washing it, burying it in sea salt, putting it in the sunlight or the moonlight or by manifesting cleaning to it.

Once you clean your pendulum, close your eyes, and concentrate on your pendulum’s energy to make sure that it is working correctly and that it is strong and full of good vibrations.