How To Prepare For A Pendulum Reading


Prepare yourself before each pendulum session

  1. Always cite the source before asking questions. You can say (either out loud or silently) “I call upon the higher self to answer these questions. I will only accept answers from the higher self and not from my conscious mind. I seek absolutely truthful answers that are aligned with the highest and greatest good for all concerned.” You can definitely craft your own version of this – just make sure you use it each time.
  2. Cleanse the energy around and within you. Do this by visualizing a cleansing shower of white light that envelopes you.
  3. Quiet your mind (both before and while using your pendulum). Are you relaxed? If necessary, do a mini-meditation. “Mini” as in 30 to 60 seconds prior to beginning. Visualize a calm happy place that has no distractions – like a beach or forest. Visualize yourself sitting or laying peacefully in solitude, enjoying nature. Doing this sets the tone for your pendulum session and will provide a resting place for your conscious mind while you use your pendulum.
  4. Breathe. Slow steady breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth will calm and center you.
  5. Ground yourself. Visualize tree roots that connect your body to the earth. Allow these roots to penetrate deep into the earth’s mantle, wrapping around large quartz crystals or if you like, beautiful gemstones.
  6. Be present – Do not try to multi-task. While you are using your pendulum, don’t also be thinking about what’s on your to-do list, or what sounds good for dinner tonight. Just focus on the task at hand and you can return to your normal state of multi-tasking when you are finished.
  7. Be patient – allow the pendulum as much time as it needs to swing.
  8. Be objective. Recognize that neutrality is your friend. While it may be tempting to allow your conscious mind to influence the pendulum’s answers, know that if it is allowed to exercise any influence, the outcome will be useless.
  9. Be unemotional. Using your pendulum when you are emotionally upset will yield unreliable results. Asking emotionally charged questions can make it difficult to stay grounded and objective and get good answers. You can do it, but you have to approach it calmly and be willing to set your emotional responses off to the side.
  10. Don’t try to predict the outcome. Willingly or unwillingly, predicting or just anticipating the pendulum’s swing will sabotage your results. If you find yourself predicting or even if you’re unwillingly anticipating the outcome – it’s the same thing as trying to predict. Here’s a powerful trick: Close your eyes and look up. This little muscle exercise will temporarily short-circuit the conscious mind’s involvement and bring you back to a neutral, unbiased state.
  11. To get a stronger response, say “respond louder please”or “be more clear”.
  12. Cup your free hand underneath the weight stone to help focus energy.

Asking Well-Phrased Questions

You’ve heard the phrase “Garbage in – garbage out”? It’s a computerism used to illustrate the value of data on both sides of a process, and it pertains to pendulums too. The quality of the questions you ask your pendulum will determine the quality of the answers you get. Truly, it’s all in the language. Here’s how to frame a good question:

  1. Be specific. Use names, dates, times, places, anything that narrows the focus on the matter. For example “Is it in my best interest to attend the “How to Use a Pendulum” workshop taught by __________ (instructor name) at ______________ (location) on__________ (date) at _________ (time)?
  2. Make sure your question can be answered with yes or no.
  3. Don’t use the words “Should” or “Supposed to” in your pendulum questions.
  4. Do use phrases that your higher self can relate to. Insert your own details into the blanks on the following sample questions:
  • Is it in my best interest to _______________________________?
  • Is it in the best interests of all concerned if I _________________________?
  • Would it be worthwhile for me to ____________________________?
  • Am I correct in believing that ______________________________?
  • Is it wise for me to _________________________________?

Here’s an example of a poorly phrased question: “Should I go to Mary’s party?” These are the problems with this question:

  1. The word “Should” is vague and asks for an opinion based on undefined parameters.
  2. Mary who?
  3. Where is this party?
  4. What day?
  5. What time?