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The Right Questions for Your Pendulum


Chances are that if you are normal then you have different questions throughout your day that you are curious about. You probably have hundreds of questions that pop into your mind throughout your day.

If you are someone that uses a pendulum, you might wonder how you can ask these questions to your pendulum. The thing is that you need to write down your questions before you start your pendulum reading so that you don’t forget them. When you write down your questions, make sure that some of them are yes and no but also make sure that some are open-ended.

A new pendulum worker might need to have the questions at hand so that you can know if you are asking the right questions or not. When working with a pendulum you need to make sure that you are using the pendulum and you are identifying the yes, no and maybe answers. Your pendulum will be able to give you answers but you need to know what answers it is giving you.

Questions About Your Diet

You can ask your pendulum questions about your diet, and this can help you to know if you need to adjust anything in your daily diet. Connect with your body and make sure that you ask the right questions so that you can figure out what you need. You can use a Clear Quartz on your pendulum to help you connect with your crown chakra when asking questions. Here are some of the best questions to ask about your diet:

  • Am I eating at the right times during the day?
  • Is the meal I’m eating good for me?
  • Am I eating healthy foods?
  • Is the food I’m eating making me sick?
  • Should I eat less?
  • Should I eat more?
  • Should I take vitamins?
  • Should I take this vitamin (pick the vitamin) during the morning?
  • Should I take this vitamin (pick the vitamin) during the evening?
  • Should I fast?
  • Does dairy hurt my body?
  • Should I eat meat?
  • Will eating meat give me the right protein?

Questions About Your Career Path

When you are confused about your job and if you are on the right career path, it can be hard. You can ask your pendulum questions to get you on the right track in your job search. Here are some questions to ask:

  • Did I choose the right career path?
  • Will I ever get a promotion?
  • Am I focusing on the right goals?
  • Should I change jobs?
  • Should I start my own business?
  • Should I ask for a raise?
  • Is now a good time to ask for a promotion?
  • Would I make a good mentor?
  • Should I ask my boss about my job?
  • Do I have the right skills for my job?

Questions About Love

Love can be hard to figure out and if you need to have help, try using an Amethyst, Rose Quartz, or Malachite on your pendulum before you ask these questions:

  • Is (name the person) my soulmate?
  • Will I meet my soulmate soon?
  • Do I need to love myself more?
  • Am I ready to find a partner?
  • Is this relationship good?
  • Is this relationship good for my soul?
  • Do I need to learn more from this person?
  • Do I have karmic ties?
  • Am I compatible with my partner?
  • Will self-love help me?
  • Should I use self-love each month?

Questions About Inner Peace

You can reach your higher self and you can work on bringing peace to your spirit. Using a pendulum can help you. Some of the best stones for this are Sodalite, Amethyst and Clear Quartz, especially when you need clarity. Here are some questions to ask your pendulum:

  • Am I doing the right kind of meditation to grow?
  • Should I do my positive affirmations in the morning?
  • Should I meditate before I go to sleep?
  • Can this crystal help me to sleep better?
  • Was I successful in my meditation today?

Use a Pendulum for Decision Making

Pendulum for Decision Making

Do you need to have answers and you need them fast? If so, you might want to consider using a pendulum. Pendulums are just another tool that is a mystic object that can help you to use your intuition and to get answers.

One great thing about this is that pendulums are not too expensive, and you can even make your own.

What is a Pendulum?

A pendulum is a tool of divination that is made from a string and something weighted like a charm, a piece of metal or glass or a crystal. You can buy a pendulum that is already made, or you can make one yourself. Then, you can hold the pendulum and ask yes, or no questions and the pendulum will swing to give you the answers.

Using a pendulum is considered a form of dowsing. This is something that has been around since ancient times and pendulums used to be used to help find water and minerals.

How to Use a Pendulum?

A pendulum will move when your subconscious mind sets it into motion. It will cause the pendulum to move a certain way. You can ask your spirit guides to help the pendulum move or maybe it is all done by gravity. Whatever is causing the pendulum to move, you can use it to give you a clear answer.

Once you have a pendulum, here is what you need to do next:


Make sure that you cleanse your pendulum. This can get rid of any negative energy or any stagnant energy that is attached to the pendulum. You can put it in the sun or moonlight, put it under running water or use smudging or sound to cleanse it.


You then need to make a connection with your pendulum. This is a way that you can ask questions and get the answers that you need. Hold the pendulum while you are meditating and let the connection happen.

Notice the Direction

Before you start asking your pendulum questions, you need to make sure that you know what the movements mean. Ask questions that you know the answer to but before you do, say, “Please show me what a yes answer looks like.” Notice how the pendulum swings. Then ask, “Please show me what a no answer looks like,” and notice how the pendulum swings. You can also ask for a maybe answer.

Try Out the Pendulum

Then, you ask a question that you know such as, “Is my name Tom?” If your name really is Tom, watch how the pendulum swings and know that this is your yes answer. Then do the same thing for the no answer.

Ask Your Questions

After you figure out what yes, no, and maybe looks like, ask your questions. You should say things like, “Is it in my best interest…” and then let the pendulum answer. You can ask big or small questions, relationship questions, career questions or anything that you want. Ask any and however many questions that you want.

Finding a Pendulum

As we said, you can make your own pendulum but if you are wanting to buy one, you can go on the internet or go into crystal shops. Make sure that you feel a connection before you ever choose a pendulum to purchase.

Pendulum Grid

You can also make a dowsing board or a pendulum grid that can give you answers other than yes or no. You can place cards with answers written on them and then ask questions. Where the pendulum stops is the answer.

Can Pendulums Give You Answers?


Some people wonder if they can get the answers that they need from a pendulum. There are people that will ask the pendulum weird questions wondering if they are going to get a certain job or if they should choose this over that.

There are places that you can go to learn more about pendulums, and it can be questionable if your pendulum can give you the answers that you need and if it can help you to reach into your intuition to get the right guidance.

History of Pendulums

Using a pendulum is also called dowsing. This is when you can hang a charm or something from a chain and ask questions that are yes or no. Some will use the pendulum to find water, minerals, gold, or oil. Even during the war, some marines would use the pendulum to find mines that are under the ground.

People have been shocked about the things that have been found by using a pendulum. This has been used to locate submarines and to find other important things. The power seems to be endless.

Sometimes people will use the pendulum to reach into their intuition. This can become a part of what you believe and once you connect with the pendulum and with the universe, you can see that it can help to give you answers to things that you probably really already known.

When you have a big decision to make that is emotional, you can hold the pendulum and think about the question and then see if it influences how the answer comes to you.

Connecting with the Pendulum

It is always important to make sure that your tools are cleansed, and this is the same with the pendulum. You should do this just like you would with a crystal or another tool.

Cleanse your pendulum by smudging. Light the sage and burn it around the pendulum to make sure that the energies are purified. The pendulum and the room and even your own body should be cleansed before you do any kind of work.

If you aren’t wanting to do smudging, you can cleanse it with crystal bowls, tuning forks, Tibetan Bells, sound healing, the moon, the sun, salt, or water.

Trying Out Your Pendulum

Once your pendulum is cleansed, you will need to understand what it is telling you. Make sure that your hand is steady. Use your dominate hand and keep your elbow on a table or a solid surface. Hold the pendulum at the top of the chain and then ask a question that you are sure about. You can ask, “Is my name?” And say your name. See how the pendulum moves and you will know that this is the yes answer.

Then ask a question that you know is a no answer. You can ask something like, “It today Sunday?” And as it moves, you will know if the answer is no. The pendulum will swing in a clockwise or counter clockwise motion with the answers that you get. If the pendulum moves left to right or right to left, you will be able to know which response is yes and which is no.

Test your questions and your yes or no answers with the pendulum to make sure that the answers are right. You can try some questions before you get started on your reading.

Questions to Ask the Pendulum

After you know what the pendulum is saying to you, ask some questions. You can’t ask if you are going to win the lottery because this isn’t the right kind of question to ask. You need to ask questions like, “Am I ready to meet my soulmate?” And then let the pendulum tell you yes or no so that you know how to work on yourself.

Here are some other questions to ask:


  • Am I compatible with this person?
  • Is this the right relationship for me?
  • Does he really love me?


  • Is this the right food for me to eat?
  • Am I allergic to this food?
  • Is this the best food for my wellbeing?


  • Is this the best job for me?
  • Would this be the right time for me to change careers?
  • Should I ask for a raise?


  • Is it time for me to buy a car?
  • Should I try to get a better price?

Pendulums and Choices

You can use the pendulum with things that you have written down and let the pendulum point out things on the paper to give you an answer. Maybe there is a house that you want to buy but you can’t choice between the houses. You can write the different houses down or the different towns and then you can let the pendulum show you which one to pick.

You can also use the pendulum to figure out which vegetable to eat that day. Line up the vegetables and then ask the pendulum which vegetable to eat that day and let it pick for you.

Some people will even choose which crystals or which essential oils that they should use for the day depending on what they are doing or where they are going.

Finding Lost Things

A pendulum can be used to find lost items. You can ask a questions such as, “Am I going to be able to find this item?” If the pendulum tells you no, you will be wasting time trying to find it. If it tells you yes, you will be able to then ask questions to help you figure out where the item is.

You might name a few places that you were at such as a certain store, in the car, in a certain room in your house or something else. Think of the places that you might have left it and then use the pendulum to give you directions to where the item might be.

Final Thoughts

When you are finished using the pendulum, always thank it for helping you. Connect with your pendulum so that you can have more accurate answers and so that you can learn to trust the answers that your pendulum gives you. This can strengthen you and build your own intuition.

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Pendulum and Distance Reiki Healing

Pendulum and Distance Reiki Healing

Distance healing can be hard because people don’t always believe in it. They think that you have to have a physical connection in order to be healed.

Pendulums can be used to connect to energies, and this can help to bring people healing from a distance. Some will use Skype or Zoom to do this healing while others will find other programs.

You can see that the pendulum will pick up the energies and as it does, it will swing in a circular motion. This will show that the energy is moving and that it is flowing. As the pendulum moves back and forth it can mean energy is blocked.

Surrogate Healing

The pendulum can take energy and can move it to the right places. You can do this during a Reiki session, or you can do it from a distance. The energy is always there, and it is always flowing in the body rather it is blocked or not.

As the energy flows, you can see that the pendulum will swing differently depending on where the energy is. If the person has problems in their back, the pendulum will show where the person’s energy is stuck or blocked.

After that is figured out, the pendulum will be used with the Reiki session. Even a surrogate can be used to show how energy moves.

Strong Connection

There are people that live close to a reiki place, and some do not. Rather the person lives close or doesn’t a Reiki energy healing session can take place from a distance. Even though some don’t believe in this, it has been proven that it works by demonstrating the healing.

How it Works

Here is how pendulum distance healing works:

  • The person will connect with the Reiki master.
  • The Reiki master will let the pendulum move and see the directions it is going.
  • The client will relax and lay down while the Reiki master connects with the pendulum.
  • The pendulum will move to indicate that the energy is moving correctly, or it will move to indicate it isn’t.
  • If the pendulum is showing blocked energy, the healer can do Reiki from afar in order to bring healing to the parts that are blocked.
  • The client will feel better after the session.

Final Thoughts

Even though some don’t believe in distance healing, it is a real thing. Some will use this with Reiki and others will do their own thing to bring healing in a remote location. Clients that use this kind of healing see that they can do it from the comfort of their own homes without having to search for a healer.

Using Pendulum Charts

Pendulum Charts

A pendulum chart is there to help you to be able to get answers from your pendulum that are more than yes or no questions. Your pendulum can be very detailed in giving you the answers that you need but this can be harder if you are a beginner.

Pendulum use has been around for many years and is a tool of divination that is used by psychics and even people that are just interested in the psychic world. Pendulums are tools that have a heavy piece such as a magnet, coin, or something else hanging at the bottom of a string. The string is held between the finger and the thumb, and the reader asks questions and then gets answers by the way that the pendulum swings.

There are many charts that are used in pendulum readings, and some are easy, but some are hard to understand. Each of them have the same idea and they are there to answer questions. Sometimes people will just use yes or no questions and depending on the way that the pendulum spins or moves will depend on the answer that you get. When you use a chart, your pendulum will use the points on the chart to answer the questions.

Pendulum Charts

Pendulum charts come in different shapes, and some will be a half circle while others are other shapes. The half circle is one that is easier to read sometimes because it has alpha-numeric answers, and you can figure out what the chart means and how the answers correspond with it.

The charts sometimes have things on them such as:

• Parentages.
• Dates.
• Names.
• Numbers.
• Quantities.
• Yes.
• No.
• Maybe.

Using Your Pendulum and Chart

Make sue that you are sitting straight and that you have both of your feet planted on the floor. The chart should be on a table, or another flat surface and you should be standing with it in front of you.

The arrow on the chart needs to be pointing away form you and when you hold the pendulum between your finger and your thumb, it should be free to move. Make sure that you are holding the pendulum above the arrow on the chart. This is called the hinge point and is where everyone should start. Next, hold the pendulum about an inch above the chart and keep your elbow tight. Let your hand move and dangle the pendulum above the chart.

Make a Fast Chart

A chart can be made if you need it quickly. You can draw it one anything from in the sand to on a piece of scrap paper.

Using Objects for Charts

If you don’t have something to write with or on, you can put objects in a certain order and you can hold the pendulum over it and see if you can get the answers you are seeking.

Using Cartomancy and Pendulum Tools

Cartomancy and Pendulum Tools

Each psychic uses different kinds of tools of divination and many of them like to use new tools in order to try new things and to grow. Many psychics have developed their own psychic reading methods and they will use different tools such as tarot cards and pendulums or oracle cards and crystals.

In this article, we are talking about using cartomancy and pendulums. Pendulums are tools of divination that have a weighted object that hangs on a string or a chain. This can be used for dowsing, or it is something that can be used for looking into the spiritual world. Most of the time, a psychic will hang a crystal or a coin at the bottom of the string for it to do its magic.

Pendulums are not the same. They come in different sizes and shapes and many psychics even make their own pendulums. Some people will use their pendulum in different ways including asking questions or some will use a question-and-answer chart to get their answers. Some psychics will buy a chart while others will create their own.

When you think about using tarot cards the same time that you use a pendulum, what do you think? This can be hard for some psychics to do but those that have been doing psychic readings for a while will do this so that they can be stronger in their gifts.

Some psychics will use regular cards instead of tarot cards to do their readings and it just depends on what kind of connections they have with these tools as to what they can do with them.

Maybe you are someone that likes to give readings to family or friends or maybe you do it for a living. Regardless of what kind of readings you do, you can figure out what kind of energy you have with the cards and with the pendulum and then go from there. Psychics are able to feel different things when they use their tools, and this can be heat or it can be something else that draws them in.

Most of the time, a person will get a more accurate result with cartomancy when they use two tools at once and this is why a pendulum can be very useful. Some people will let the pendulum swing over the cards while they get their answers.


You might choose a 3, 5 or even a larger card spread. This is totally up to you. As you start your reading, make sure that you are meditating over the cards. Go slow over them and let the energy flow through you into the cards. You can go over the whole deck of cards, including your spread, and see what you feel that the cards are telling you.

Ask your questions and see what cards show up for you. When you are giving your client a reading, you can ask them to hold on to a card or even to some other item and you can try to feel the energy around that person.

Phone Readings

If you are someone that does strictly phone readings, you can do different spreads and try different kinds of tools in your readings. This can help you to know if the pendulum is more accurate with the cards than just using your own hands.

Final Thoughts

Using cards and a pendulum when you are doing reading aren’t the only two options that are going to be there for you. You can look into your heart and listen to your intuition to decide which tools that you are going to use.

There are different signs and symbols that will come around you and these things will help you to be able to get the messages that you need for your reading. Pay attention to yourself and your inner being and the spiritual world around you.

Pendulums and the Future


Do you work with a pendulum and find them to be full of mystery? People often wonder if pendulums can tell the future. The pendulum is an ancient tool that has been used for centuries and the way that the pendulum moves has been questioned by people for years. Pendulums are from different times, and they all have a certain purpose, even the clock invention was used as a pendulum for hypnosis.

Pendulums are objects that move in a motion and the observer can watch how the pendulum moves to get answers. The pendulum can be made by hanging a weighted object to the end of a wire, string, or something else.

Using the Pendulum

Using the pendulum is considered a field of magic and sometimes even scientific. Radiesthesia is a technique that is ancient that allows you to use the pendulum so that you can understand your subconscious mind more. The new things that you learn about your life can help you to make predictions on what is going to happen to you in your future.

You can also use the pendulum in order to find things or people that are lost. The idea behind this was scientific as it had to do with electrical waves that come from the pendulum. Radiesthesia is something that sends out energies and vibrations that can be seen as powerful.

Finding the Right Pendulum

No matter what kind of pendulum you choose, the way that the pendulum works is always going to be the same. Some believe that the pendulum uses their own inner energies in order to move and so this is something that cannot be made by men.

You can choose whatever kind of material that you want to make your pendulum from wood to crystals and even stones or something else that is weighted. This can help you to have better energies in your life.

Predicting the Future with a Pendulum

You can change your future because it is based on free will. As you work on your life, you can learn what you need to change. Just like any other tool of divination, a pendulum can help you to understand your life so that you can make the changes necessary to make your future what you want it to be.

Instead of asking questions to the pendulum to figure out your future, you can use it for other things such as finding lost things. Use the pendulum in your hand and concentrate on what is missing. Let the pendulum swing and whichever way it swings, go, and find your missing object.

You can even go outside and find things with linear movements from your pendulum. If there is elliptical rotation it will show distance and if it makes turns, then the object that you are looking for is further away.

How to Use the Pendulum

You don’t need a pendulum to tell the future, but you can use it if you want to. The best way to use your pendulum though is to use it each day. The pendulum cannot do anything if there isn’t someone to operate it. If you suspend it to something that doesn’t move, or isn’t alive, it will not move at all. It only moves when it is used by a person.

Being in contact with the pendulum means that the operator is holding on to the string, chain or the wire between their thumb and forefinger. Here are some things the pendulum can do:

  • Be still.
  • Swing.
  • Rotate.
  • Turn counterclockwise.
  • Turn clockwise.
  • Move with the ellipse (in some situations).

Everyone can use a pendulum, but it doesn’t mean that everyone will get the same kinds of results. You need to make sure that you are doing your best when you use your pendulum and that you are open in your mind and heart.

Here are some things that you can do to understand your pendulum more:

  • Relax and stand up. Face eastward. Put your hand on your solar plexus and put your palm in toward your body and close your fingers.
  • Hold the pendulum with your right hand using the whole length of the rope. Let it center in front of your left hand and it will begin to turn in a clockwise direction.
  • Ask the pendulum a question and focus on the question.
  • If you aren’t able to focus, meditate and try again.

Pendulum Movements

Here are some pendulum movements that you can understand:

  • When the pendulum moves clockwise it means yes.
  • When the pendulum moves counterclockwise it means no.
  • Oscillation transversal towards the body means no.
  • Oscillation away from the body means yes.
  • Swinging diagonal means maybe.

If you don’t like the results that you get, try to refocus, and give the question another try. If the answers are not the ones you wanted to hear, don’t get frustrated but figure out how you can change the results in your life.

Why Does the Pendulum Work?

Science talks about how there is a practical and material plane. People that are mediums and speak into the spiritual world are able to use tools that are magical to them. There is a physical connection that is used when using tools of divination.

Divination and oracle are two separate things where oracle is based on revelation of a spirit by giving a message, divination is when someone is able to tell about things like the future by using different rituals.

The pendulum can be used as an instrument or a tool and the vibrations that come from the object are there to work with the spirit guides. This kind of practice is one that works with the magnetic field to help discover objects and to help to get more sensitive to radiation to use radiesthesia.

There are many different theories about pendulum use and some believe that this is something that is used with ESP by people or something that can be used to amplify a combination of the vibrations and the ESP.

The movement of the pendulum has to do with the human movement, and this means that a human has to be the one using the tool because it will not move if it is hung on an inanimate object. The operator doesn’t make the movement, but they make the connection.

Communication with the spirit world happens when there is a human arm that is used. Even people that don’t use mediumship can still use a pendulum to reach the spiritual world. The mind works with the subconscious and whatever information comes can help the person that is asking questions. Of course, if this was something that was always happening, people would be able to know the lottery numbers and would know a phone number without looking it up.

It is good to know that there are spirits that can come around when this tool is used, and they can help to make the requests known. Spirits should never be communicated with in order to stop free will or to hurt someone.

Final Thoughts

The results that you get when you use a pendulum have to do with vibrations and have to do with the evolution that happens when spiritual knowledge is increased. Pendulums work with the vibrations and the spiritual world to help get answers that people are looking for.

How to Ask Your Pendulum Questions


Do you have strong psychic gifts such as being a clairvoyant? Do you like to ask questions and get the answers you are seeking? If you are using a pendulum, you can take this small object and you can get giant answers with it. Look at how your pendulum moves and let yourself be guided by it.

Using different tools such as numerology and tarot cards is the same as using a pendulum. This is a tool of divination that also takes practice and knowledge. Do you want to get answers from your pendulum and find out how it works? Read more to find out how.

Understanding Divination

Using divination with your pendulum is when you take a string, or a chain and you hang a heavier object at the end. You allow this to move by holding it at the top and it can answer questions about your past, present or future.

You can hold on to the pendulum and by using radiesthesia, you can interpret how the vibrations move and get soul answers. This kind of divination helps you to reach between your conscious and subconscious mind and can help you with predictions about your life. You can also use this to find things that are missing.

Using a Pendulum

Using a pendulum is not hard but it does take practice. You can ask a question to the pendulum about your future, and you will see that your mind will respond to the answer and the pendulum will move either counterclockwise or clockwise. These movements will give you a yes or no answer.

Asking the Right Questions

This type of divination will not give you complete answers like other readings, but it can answer yes or no to your questions. You can ask a question and make sure that you are very detailed in what you are asking.

You might ask something like, “Will I fall in love by the end of the year 2024?” And this question can be answered and give you a time frame on finding love. Don’t be too general about what you asked and the more detailed that you ask the better your yes or no can be.

The question in any reading is important and you should always ask the right questions when you are getting a tarot card reading or using a pendulum.

How to Ask Questions About Love

Here are some ways that you can ask questions about love to your pendulum:


If you are using your pendulum for the first time, you need to hold this about an inch down the chain. Let your palm face upwards and then the pendulum will move back and forth. This will move depending on your energies.

Yes or No Questions

The next thing that you need to do is to ask a yes or no question or a true and false. You can choose. Start by asking one that you know the answer to so that you can see which way the pendulum is going to swing.

Be Positive

The pendulum will give you the right answer no matter what. You can ask it a question and it will tell you the truth. Ask the question that you want the answer to know and never doubt what the pendulum tells you. You need to let it express its answers the way that it wants to. Be open to what it tells you.

Best Questions to Ask

Here are some of the best questions to ask:

  • Will my ex be coming back to me at the end of the year?
  • Will I find love at the end of 2024?
  • Will I meet my soulmate in 2023?
  • Will I find a new love?

Is My Pendulum Telling the Truth?

You will know that your pendulum is telling the truth because it is an instrument, and it can move consciously or unconsciously. You might ask the pendulum to move a certain way, or you might ask it to give you a yes or no answer.

You are using your conscious mind to control the pendulum as you give it orders. The movement of the pendulum will not give you an answer whether it is being honest or not. If you ask your pendulum if you are going to win the lottery and it gives you a neutral answer, you will not be pleased with this because you will want a yes answer.

Once you ask a question and you learn to detach yourself from the answer, this will be the time that the pendulum will be the most realistic for you. You have to ask the right questions and you have to be able to adapt your questions to your answers.

You can also draw a diagram and ask your pendulum to swing towards the answers. This allows you to put the pendulum in the center and let it swing until it hits the answer.

Who Can Use Pendulums?

Anyone who wants to can use a pendulum and if you are an empath, this is even better. You will need to have patience to learn how to use it and how to get answers that you are seeking. Be patient with yourself and with your tools and let them give you the answers that you need.

How to Use Pendulum Dowsing

Pendulum Dowsing

One of the most known tools of divination is pendulum dowsing. This is something that almost anyone can learn to do. Here are some things that you need to know to use pendulum dowsing:

What is a Pendulum?

A pendulum is an object that is weighted that hangs on a chain or a string. This is held from the top so that it will swing back and forth. Some people will use crystals to hang off the end or others will use a ball or even something like a key. This is something that can be used and people that have strong intuition can really benefit from this kind of tool.

Why Use Pendulum Dowsing?

There are different reasons that people choose to use pendulum dowsing such as:

  • Healing.
  • To get rid of negativity out of an area.
  • To help find lost things.
  • To find water.

How to Use Pendulum Dowsing

Pendulum dowsing can work by using your intuition. The pendulum will swing but the energy comes from inside of you. As your energies move and as your angel guides or spirit guides come around, the pendulum will move. You can ask questions such as yes or no questions and the pendulum will swing a certain way. This will give you the answers that you are looking for.

How to Get Pendulum Dowsing Answers

People wonder how the pendulum gives answers. The way that the pendulum moves is how the answers come. The pendulum can move with the way that you move your hand, but this is not how it should come up with answers. You should use your mind, intuition, and your spirit guides to control the pendulum and not your hand.

What Kind of Pendulum to Buy?

There are many different kinds of pendulums, and you can choose what you want. You don’t have to buy one that is expensive in order to get answers. Some people will use pendulums that are crystals while others will use different objects at the end of it.

Whatever pendulum that you choose, the best thing that you can do is to make sure that you have a connection with the pendulum. You might even have many different pendulums that you use for different reasons. You can use whatever you want at the end of the pendulum such as a key, bead, magnet, or anything that is heavy.

All you have to do is to have an object at the end of the string or chain and know that the necklace can move back and forth.

Before Using a Pendulum

Before you start pendulum dowsing, you need to make sure that you charge your pendulum. You need to take the energy inside of you and put it into your pendulum. Other ways that you can charge your pendulum is to put it in the sun or to put it in the moon to charge.

Some people will charge their pendulum in their hands by holding it and meditating on it. You can also ask your angels or your spirit guides to cleanse and charge your pendulum. Once it is charged and when you aren’t using it, put it in a velvet bag.

Using a Pendulum

Anyone can use a pendulum. You need to make sure that you have an open heart when you start and that you don’t have doubt on what the pendulum can do. The string of the pendulum has to be held between your finger and your thumb. Do this in a way that you feel good about it.

Some pendulums will have a circle that you can hold on to so that it is easier to use. The chain or the string shouldn’t be too long but long enough to get a good swing. If this gets too long, cut away some of the cord. As you are holding the pendulum still, rest your hand on something and hold the pendulum with your palm upward. This should be a time where the pendulum is not moving at all.

Be relaxed and don’t let your own body move the string. Watch the pendulum and wait for it to move. Ask a yes or no question that is easy such as, “Is my name Brian?” Then whichever the pendulum moves that is the right answer, that will be your response. If your name is Brian, the way that the pendulum moves is a yes answer. Then ask a no answer and let the pendulum move a different way.

Take time for the response to come because this can take time. Take time to get used to the pendulum and the way that it moves for your answers. Some people will accept a maybe as a nonmoving pendulum. The way that the answers come can change over time and so you need to always make sure that you start with this before moving forward.

Questions to Ask the Pendulum

You can ask the pendulum different questions, but the best ones are the yes and no questions. You need to practice asking simple questions such as, “Is today Monday?” and make sure that you find your yes and no answer movement.

This will help you to get used to the pendulum and the pendulum to get used to your energies. After this happens, start asking your questions.

What if the Pendulum Doesn’t Move?

There are times that the pendulum might not work and if this is happening to you, there might be some reasons such as:

  • You might be tired or overly emotionally.
  • You aren’t relaxed.
  • You aren’t negative.
  • You might be too close to electrical things.
  • You aren’t concentrating.
  • You might need to use a different pendulum.

Final Thoughts

You can use a pendulum to get answers that you need. Find out what your pendulum is saying to you and make sure that you are using it in a way that makes you feel at peace.